The Devouring Cold Gazepiercer Gristlegorge Hacker Cruciform Veinripper Zovastrum, the Unmaking Antumbra, Shadow of the Cosmos Maledict Opus Rae'shalare, Death's Whisper Grasp of the Grave Ruined Crest of Lordaeron Edge of Night Domination's Deliverance ...
中文:吞噬软泥怪英文:Devouring Ooze 55 - 56 DELETE ME 联盟 部落 未指定 0.01 中文:腐烂的巨兽英文:Rotting Behemoth 55 - 56 DELETE ME 联盟 部落 元素生物 0.01 中文:枯萎的恐兽英文:Decaying Horror 56 - 57 DELETE ME 联盟 部落 元素生物 0.01 中文:染病的灰熊英文:Diseased Grizzly 55 - 56 DELETE ME...
中文:吞噬软泥怪英文:Devouring Ooze 55 - 56 DELETE ME 联盟 部落 未指定 0.01 中文:腐烂的巨兽英文:Rotting Behemoth 55 - 56 DELETE ME 联盟 部落 元素生物 0.01 中文:枯萎的恐兽英文:Decaying Horror 56 - 57 DELETE ME 联盟 部落 元素生物 0.01 中文:染病的灰熊英文:Diseased Grizzly 55 - 56 DELETE ME...
12、流年碎影(Fragmented Years)13、冷血无情(Cold-blooded)14、巅峰万里(Peak Beyond Miles)15、王者之刃(Blade of the King)16、技灭全场(Skilled Annihilation)17、噬魂邪僧(Soul Devouring Monk)18、肆无忌惮(Lawless)19、冷血杀手(Cold-hearted Killer)20、帅萌的酷(Cute yet Cool...
The succubi consumed the males of their race when they were brought into the Burning Legion. Alternatively, the act of devouring the males is what caught the attention of the Burning Legion.[17]During her battle against demons in the Dragonblight, Aegwynn encountered a demon who mentioned incubi...
These creatures are thoroughly evil, delighting in torturing victims and devouring intelligent creatures. It was due to Arugal's summonings that some of the ravenous worgen were brought into the world of Azeroth.Bane spider: Creations of the Scourge....
When Dimensius the All-Devouring opened countless gateways into the void and the Twisting Nether around K'aresh, bathing it in arcane and dark energies, the unimpeded flood of arcane energy tore away the then-mortal race's corporeal shells and infused their souls with enough energy so that th...
Devouring Plague damage increased by 10%. Shadowy Apparition damage increased by 20%. Psychic Link now causes direct damage spells to inflict 30% of their damage on all other targets afflicted by your Vampiric Touch (was 25%). Shaman Developers note: Changes are live after realm restarts. Re...
Vol'jin in Kun-Lai stated that the human Tyrathan Khort could cope with the cold better than he could. However, he managed to get used to it very rapidly.[14] With how naturally adaptable trolls are, (as confirmed by their numerous subgroups), it wouldn't be surprising if this wasn't...
The Nexus Azure Dragonshrine Coldarra Crystalsong Forest Dragonblight Lake Mennar Mazthoril Types Blue dragon Blue wyrm Drakonid Dragonspawn Groups Mage hunters Azurewing Dragonflights Black dragonflight Blue dragonflight Bronze dragonflight Green dragonflight ...