Most talent calculators are web based and it’s difficult to see what the talents do without committing to the talent. This is the perfect app to look through talents and build your class. I hope the creator makes one for TBC too! more Lbparry88 , 01/04/2020 Great App for Classic...
宝宝带狗,主要负责对对方法系的施法控制、恐惧,和持续伤害,同时又可以通过虹吸和绿线让自己不停回复队友为AB大剑S2板鳞甲+守备官毕业的CJQ还没有实践过,只是想问问好不好 分享9赞 圣骑士吧 灵度无聊 FQ和CJQ天赋 这样点应该可以吧FQ:
<`> . Oh and to be clear, it is easier to level with swords. But I wouldn’t say that leveling daggers is all that bad. It is just a very different style that requires more timing to keep yourself moving mob...
我们不得不重新考虑TBC的输出优先级 3.1 嗜血,猛击,旋风同时CD,我应该先用哪一个? 这是讨论这三个技能优先级的问题.我们用每秒DPS贡献来比较是最能说明问题的.哪个贡献多, 哪个就应该先放. 嗜血每秒DPS贡献 = 嗜血每击平均DPS/每秒嗜血次数 (注:再次说明这个次数是3/16不是1/5) 旋风每秒DPS贡献 = 旋风每...
goroutine 1 [running]:{0xc0000cc400, 0xa, 0xc0000ac0a0?}, {0x0, 0x0, 0xc0001157a8?}, 0x2c) +0x2c5
Added Talent: Strength of Arms: Increases Strength and Stamina by 2%/4%. Added Buff(TBC): Last Stand: +30% of your maximum health Updated Talent: Vitality: Increases your total Strength and Stamina by 2%/4%/6% Updated Talent: Shield Mastery: 10%/20%/30% -> 15%/30% Warlock Ad...
Classic WoW Talent CalculatorRatings and Reviews 4.5out of 5 1K Ratings