Primus himself doesn't wield a sword. necromancers could be found in the employ of the Chosen and Eyes. Some of these necromancers also seem to take on the path of the warrior, fighting with blades or riding atop massive beasts. You mean the same necromancers who don't use melee ...
By manipulating Renault Mograine, they managed to lead the Highlord to an ambush at Stratholme, where he was murdered by his own son with the Ashbringer. His body and the now corrupted sword were recovered by Kel'Thuzad who made him a death knight, the leader of the Four Horsemen, and ...
Sylvanas asked the boy if he wanted to be a ranger when he grew up, but he replied that he wanted to be a knight. Sylvanas gave him a gold coin and told him to keep it until he was old enough to buy his first sword. Before leaving, Sylvanas spent the night at the stead.[17] ...
When a mage adventurer arrives on request of Aethas Sunreaver to locate Lyandra and Felo'melorn, Bolvar states that the mage can try to take the sword, but if they fail they too will join the Scourge. The Lich King and the Knights of the Ebon Blade came to an agreement: the death ...
“That's the problem with the Nathrezim - at least an infernal has the courtesy of announcing its presence.”
[84] In that moment, as Anduin accepted the duties of a king,[80] the sword began to glow in his hands,[84] not with the red-orange hue of a warrior but with the golden glow of a priest. At that moment, Anduin began to heal.[80] ...
Zovaal predicted, years in advance, that Azeroth would be impaled by Sargeras' sword.Viewing the various afterlives convinced Sylvanas that the Shadowlands were a flawed system, but she still didn't trust the Jailer. He told her that he was confident she'd join him eventually but that he ...