英文名:Swamp of Sorrows复制 显示在地图上…显示在地图上… 建议:点击地图缩放 音乐 背景音乐 相关 中文:仲夏司仪 英文:Midsummer Celebrant 2—4丹莫罗、荒芜之地、诅咒之地、…联盟部落人型生物 中文:伊萨里奥斯 英文:Itharius 45悲伤沼泽联盟部落人型生物 ...
中文:悲伤沼泽护焰者英文:Swamp of Sorrows Flame Keeper 65 悲伤沼泽 联盟 部落 人型生物 中文:悲伤沼泽织网蛛英文:Sorrow Spinner 36—37 悲伤沼泽 联盟 部落 野兽 中文:托克卡尔英文:Tok'Kar 43 悲伤沼泽 联盟 部落 人型生物 中文:拉尔塔英文:Rartar <炼金术供应商> 45 悲伤沼泽 联盟 部落 人型生物 中文...
Swamp of SorrowsBogpaddle, Stonard Tirisfal GladesBrill, The Bulwark UndercityThe Trade Quarter Western PlaguelandsAndorhal Outland Blade’s Edge MountainsEvergrove, Mok’Nathal Village, Thunderlord Stronghold Hellfire PeninsulaFalcon Watch, Thrallmar ...
Location: Swamp of Sorrows Boss Encounters: Atal’alarion, Troll Mini-Bosses, Jammal’an the Prophet, Weaver, Dreamscythe, Avatar of Hakkar, Hazzas, Morphaz, Shade of Eranikus Loot Drops: Dragon’s Call, Embrace of the Wind Serpent, Firebreather, Spire of Hakkar, Crest of Supremacy, War...
1. Sunken Temple Entrance Location Sunken Temple is located in the middle of the Swamp of Sorrows. As the name implies, it is a large temple that has sunken into the middle of the lake. Alliance players will need to fly to Nethergarde Keep in The Blasted Lands and ride a short ...
Greshka at Stonard in Swamp of Sorrows Locate Mor’zul Bloodbringer on a hill near the Altar of Storms in the northwest corner of Burning Steppes (see map above). Note: Just to clarify, there is also an Altar of Storms in the Blasted Lands. This is not the altar you seek. Pick up...
Gold Farming Spots in the Swamp of Sorrows. Swamp Jaguars- Western part of the Swamp of Sorrows is inhabited by deadly feline species, the Swamp Jaguar. These big cats drop a lot ofVendor Trash Items(Long Soft TailandBristly Whisker),Large Fangs(used in Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, and Al...
52-53 Swamp of Sorrows Misty Reed Strand 82,84 Murlocs 3-5 per pull, humanoids, all along the water front 54-55 Silithus Twilight Outpost 29,76 Twilight 3-5 per pull, humanoids, silence casters and pull wandering melee to them at the camps. 54-55 Swamp of Sorrows Purespring Cavern 18...
Location: Swamp of Sorrows, Eastern Kingdoms Level: 50-56 Dungeon Quests: 8 Just like the area it’s located in, this temple is fascinating. As its subtitle implies, it is an underwater temple inhabited by trolls. It’s filled with excellent loot and challenging bosses, though Shade of Er...
Fan Central Current This includes items and quests that can no longer be obtained or are now deprecated. Fel'zerul GenderMale RaceOrc(Humanoid) Level60 ClassWarlock ReactionAllianceHorde Affiliation(s)Orgrimmar LocationStonard,Swamp of Sorrows ...