【魔兽世界9.0】Soullscape独领风骚的生存猎人(The BEST SOLO SPEC|Survival Hunter| 9.0 World PVP) 20:01 【魔兽世界9.0】痛苦术士战场集锦-吸干他们(DRAIN THEM ALL! AFF is so strong! - Affliction Warlock) 21:01 【魔兽世界9.0】生存猎猎人战场(PLAY SURVIVAL HUNTER! Dont MARKS - Survival Hunter)...
Survivalis the worst of the choices and will be outperformed by both other specs in all areas. We do not recommend it for leveling, but if you are up for a challenge, we have a guide for it. Survival Hunter Leveling Guide 3.
On this page, you will find out the best PvE talents for your Ranged DPS Survival Hunter in WoW Classic — Season of Discovery, as well as advised runes. These are going to be the optimal talent points to take at level 60 in Season of Discovery, assuming that you are wanting ...
Welcome to our WoW Classic guide for Survival Hunters! Hunters are predominantly Marksmanship or Beast Mastery specialization, but there’s also the unique Survival specialization. While hunters traditionally fight with a bow or gun, Survival Hunters jum
Analysation of New Hunter Talents in the Burning Crusade (Survival) 11月 17, 2006 资料片猎人天赋分析(生存系) Lv 1 Hawk Eye 看到资料片之后第一个想骂娘的天赋改动,就是鹰眼,射程增加6码改到了生存系,不用脑袋都能像出来增加射程应该是射击系的。曾经,还把它放到了生存第二层,干脆去掉猎人这个职业算...
Hunter PvE Survival Hunter PvE Marksmanship Hunter PvE Beast Mastery Hunter Melee Hunter Guide Hunter Enchantments Rhok’delar Quest Guide How to Train Your Hunter Pet Hunter Pets Ammo Bags and Ammunition Mage PvE Arcane Mage PvE Fire Mage PvE Frost Mage Frost Mage AoE Horde Mage AoE Leveling...
2. Survival Hunter (S Tier) Performance: Consistent damage and excellent utility Utility: Offers great raid utility and is effective throughout the expansion Verdict: Wanted in Every Comp Survival Hunters bring consistent damage, excellent raid utility, and are effective throughout the expa...
Survival Hunter’s Lock and Load effect should now trigger correctly. Players will now get nibbles when their fishing levels are too low for the area. Fixed an issue where using certain items carried over from Burning Crusade Classic (e.g. Darkmoon cards) would delete the entire stack. 1 ...
my new skills. Was playing a hunter, and had to wait until level 10 in order to even start my pet-charming quest. Yeah I had no pet until level 10. My questing was going ok I was making reasonable progress but some bosses were difficult at these early levels. Still solo-able providin...
18. Survival Hunter (B Tier) As a melee spec, Survival Hunters gain some of the same trap benefits as other Hunter specs. They offer decent crowd control and snares, which can be valuable for dueling. However, their sustain in longer duels could be an issue, potentially...