1. Sunken Temple Entrance Location 2. Sunken Temple Quests 3. Overview of Bosses in Sunken Temple 1. Sunken Temple Entrance Location Sunken Temple is located in the middle of the Swamp of Sorrows. As the name implies, it is a large temple that has sunken into the middle of the lake. Al...
英文:The Sunken Temple51 地下城 46部落 525 XP 沉没的神庙 中文:深入神庙 英文:Into the Depths51 地下城 46双方 1050 XP 沉没的神庙 中文:神灵哈卡 英文:The God Hakkar53 地下城 40双方 选择一个: 1150 XP 沉没的神庙 中文:进入阿塔哈卡神庙
英文名:The Sunken Temple 复制 中文代码 英文代码 到塔纳利斯找到玛尔冯·瑞文斯克。 相关地点此任务开始于菲拉斯,结束于塔纳利斯。建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 隐藏...
副本类型:地下城 玩家人数:5 位置:悲伤沼泽 屏幕截图 尚无–提交一个! WowheadWowhead 链接链接 英文名:Sunken Temple复制 建议:点击地图缩放 隐藏固定隐藏固定 相关 NPCs(35) NPCs(35) 道具(16) 道具(16) 任务(1) 任务(1) 任务奖励(1) 任务奖励(1) ...
This page contains a full loot list for the new, revamped raid, Sunken Temple, for Season of Discovery in WoW Classic.
WowheadWowhead链接链接 英文名:Sunken Temple复制 显示在地图上…显示在地图上… 建议:点击地图缩放 相关 钓鱼(15) 钓鱼(15) 1—15的15 名称 等级 需要等级 物品栏 来源 类型 % 中文:优质治疗药水 英文:Superior Healing Potion 4535已制造、掉落、任务、商人、可钓、失窃药水0.3 ...
The entrance to theTemple of Atal’Hakkaris located inSwamp of Sorrows, in the southeast part of it. To reach the instance portal, follow the directions on the map below: 1. Secret of the Circle: After entering the instance, go right. Go down the spiral stairs, then you will have a ...
Sunken Temple will have eight bosses in Season of Discovery. Image via Blizzard Entertainment In the phase three announcement, Blizzard statedall raids level 50 and higher, starting with Sunken Temple, will move to a weekly reset schedule. Below are all the raids that will officially reset every...
Blackfathom Deeps is a sunken temple of Elune found in the Veiled Sea. The dungeon is fairly large, containing several naga, murlocs, and even a few hydras. You’ll slowly explore the temple ruins until you encounter Aku’mai, a pet of the Old Gods. A ma
Temple of Atal’Hakkar (Sunken Temple) Location: Swamp of Sorrows, Eastern Kingdoms Level: 50-56 Dungeon Quests: 8 Just like the area it’s located in, this temple is fascinating. As its subtitle implies, it is an underwater temple inhabited by trolls. It’s filled with excellent loot an...