PvE Subtlety Rogue Rogue Tanking Lockpicking Guide Poisons Guide Shaman PvE Elemental Shaman PvE Enhancement Shaman PvE Restoration Shaman Caperfin’s Elemental Shaman Shaman Tanking Guide PvP Elemental Shaman Warlock Warlock PvE DPS Consumables Enchants Pre-Raid BiS Resistance Rotation Talents & Build...
Rogue Tanking Lockpicking Guide Poisons Guide Shaman PvE Elemental Shaman PvE Enhancement Shaman PvE Restoration Shaman Caperfin’s Elemental Shaman Shaman Tanking Guide PvP Elemental Shaman Warlock Warlock PvE DPS Consumables Enchants Pre-Raid BiS Resistance Rotation Talents & Builds Trinkets & Cooldo...
Rogue Tanking Lockpicking Guide Poisons Guide Shaman PvE Elemental Shaman PvE Enhancement Shaman PvE Restoration Shaman Caperfin’s Elemental Shaman Shaman Tanking Guide PvP Elemental Shaman Warlock Warlock PvE DPS Consumables Enchants Pre-Raid BiS Resistance Rotation Talents & Builds Trinkets & Cooldo...
Rogue is one of the most versatile and powerful classes in PVP, offering a unique gameplay experience. This class has impressive burst damage, stealth, crowd control, mobility, and survivability, and also has access to various runes that enhance his abil
DPS Rogue BiS gear inWoWSoD Rogues rely on Ziri’s crafted items for their BiS gear moreso than other classes. Image via Blizzard Entertainment The best Rogue items inWorld of Warcraft ClassicSeason of Discovery phase two comefrom Gnomeregan, the reworked 10-person instance. Though many of you...
Phase 6 of SoD contains more than 32 Runes per class, spread across the chest, gloves, legs, waist, feet, head, wrist, back, and ring gear slots. Some Runes come from quests, while others can be found in the world, and some are more complex with clues and quest chains involved. ...
Rage scaling is now static to improve the warrior leveling experience and roughly equal to Molten Core Phase with pre-raid BiS; this also makes warrior less ridiculous yet still BiS DPS. AGI req for 1% Crit now = 29 (same as a rogue) slightly nerfs scaling. This is simple stuff, and ...
I assume he’s living the good life in SOD where it’s an actual build that works in full. Legit hope so, the threads were fun sometimes though. Äpathy: The second that other raider had to do literally anything that was not “Stand still and blow your mana bar” Used to raid ...
PvE Subtlety Rogue Rogue Tanking Lockpicking Guide Poisons Guide Shaman PvE Elemental Shaman PvE Enhancement Shaman PvE Restoration Shaman Caperfin’s Elemental Shaman Shaman Tanking Guide PvP Elemental Shaman Warlock Warlock PvE DPS Consumables Enchants Pre-Raid BiS Resistance Rotation Talents & Build...