Temple of Ahn'Qiraj SoD LootSoD 2.5 Tier Sets 2. Token Loot in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Similarly to the "Paragons of Power" gear fromZul'Gurub, some bosses will drop tokens that can be exchanged by multiple classes for a piece of class-appropriate gear. Located to the left side of the Te...
Tanks Make sure to always face Onyxia away from the raid. You cannot do anything to Onyxia while she is flying with melee attacks, so tank the adds in Phase 2. You will need to build threat quickly once Onyxia lands for Phase 3 due to the threat resets. 3.2. Healers If you are aPr...
Paladin With addons, Paladins can easily manage their auras and blessings, ensuring no buff is forgotten. They also simplify healing and cooldown tracking, making it easier to balance support and combat. Pally Power Classic –This add-on provides an interactive and easy to use interface that al...