Here are some notable low-level Bows and Guns you'll find from vendors, outdoor quests, and dungeon quests. You can also use Wowhead's classic database to find all available options, further filteringranged weaponsby useful attributes like stats and weapon speed: ...
We're doing a hotfix combo today, as the Dragonflight part is pretty small and SoD has plenty of changes! Retail only brings two fixes, one for Rogues and one for Waycrest, while SoD has plenty of class changes, as well as quest XP buffs, PvP event improvements and more. ...
Honest questions. Is it because of the abysmally bad players complaining that they couldn’t beat an NPC? An NPC that does a 3rd of the burst damage as a Warrior, Shaman, Mage, Warlock, etc.?
SoD is broken. Balance is as bad as vanilla 2019, just in a different class order. I checked the old wowhead posts and WCL stats and a gimped 2019 ret to a bis fury warrior was the same gap Arms has with a rogue right now. Stickman: Just because fury does more dmg(as it ...