18. Survival Hunter (B Tier) As a melee spec, Survival Hunters gain some of the same trap benefits as other Hunter specs. They offer decent crowd control and snares, which can be valuable for dueling. However, their sustain in longer duels could be an issue, potentially...
Class Dissection in WoW: PvP Strengths and Weaknesses of Every Spec of Rogue In WoW, every Rogue spec has its unique PvP strengths and weaknesses. As an Assassination Rogue, you’ll excel in wearing down opponents with sustained poison damage. Focus on maintaining damage-over-time effects to...
These runes can be swapped at any point you are not in combat, making them serve as a sort of dual-spec enabler in some cases, such as Mage Arcane Healer / Arcane DPS or Druid Feral Tank / Feral DPS. Of course, once you unlock actual dual-spec you can also swap your talents to m...
When it comes to raw DPS you can’t go wrong with a Shaman at all. While they can’t ever reach the heights of ranged damage that the Hunter, or even the Warlock can dole out, Shaman can still contend. Like the Balance Druid, the Elemental Shaman’s ma
SoD Runes Where to Buy All Runes (Rune Brokers) Druid Runes How to Use the Idol of the Heckler Hunter Runes Mage Runes How to Decipher Mage Scrolls Scroll of Geomancy Scroll of Spatial Mending Paladin Runes Priest Runes How to Get Priest Meditations Where to Find the Prophecy of a...
they didnt just ruin pvp but also Pve part of the game too they screwed the rotation wow devs have smooth brains Natalya<BRB MY CATS ON FIRE> 304 posts 60 Night Elf Hunter0 Elisande Jul 2024 These all lasted less than a week.
Keep the boss in the middle of the room where he starts, but pull the Core Hounds away from him back and to the sides of the room. Face the Core Hounds away from the raid, into a wall. Have a Hunter help pull the Core Hounds to each tank at the start of the pull to make it...
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