A handy guide to help hunters enchant their gear at level 60. You can also use this guide for twinking hunter characters. As a note we've added the source for enchants: [E] - enchanter or engineer (only in scopes) player character (if he has recipe) [Q]
Tank her where she starts. Have your raid group spread around her to avoid multiple players being hit with Noxious Poison, but make sure each group stays in range of their Hunter's Nature Resistance auras and totems. The closest 15 players to Huhuran should have high Nature Resistance gear ...
Cost of edgemasters going to be even worse with ret, enh, melee hunter needing the skill now too. Alliance hunters don’t even have a race option with melee weapon skill. 1 Like Tarrz-whitemaneNovember 6, 2023, 6:35am11 Yeah very true. I’ve already made the decision to go Orc or...
AL["Hunter"] = "獵人" AL["Mage"] = "法師" AL["Paladin"] = "聖騎士" AL["Shaman"] = "薩滿" AL["Priest"] = "牧師" AL["Tier 0 Set"] = "T0 套裝" AL["Tier %s Set"] = "T%s 套裝" AL["Darkmoon Cards"] = "暗月套卡" AL["Level 50 Cards"] = "等級50 套卡" AL["...