Plater Nameplates: A versatile and customizable nameplate addon. Cell: A compact and customizable party and raid frame replacement. CharacterStatsClassic: Displays detailed stats like miss chance and in-combat regeneration. ItemRack Classic: Manages gear sets, allowing for automatic swaps based on cond...
Warlock BiS gear inWoWSoD phase two Unsurprisingly, the majority of theWarlock BiS gearinWorld of Warcraft ClassicSeason of Discovery phase two comes from Gnomeregan. While many of these items can be found from drops listed below, the centerpieces of this gear are craft items. Below are all of...
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj SoD LootSoD 2.5 Tier Sets 2. Token Loot in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Similarly to the "Paragons of Power" gear fromZul'Gurub, some bosses will drop tokens that can be exchanged by multiple classes for a piece of class-appropriate gear. Located to the left side of the Te...
The new Molten Core and Onyxia's Lair are now live in SoD Phase 4! (Source) It's time to put on your fire resist gear to face Onyxia in her lair and Ragnaros, the fire lord, in the Molten Core. World Bosses Now Live Experience Lord Kazzak and Azuregos as brand-new inst...
Healing Shaman BiS gear inWoWSoD With powerful burst heals such as Chain Healing, Restoration Shamans have always been among the best healers inWorld of Warcraft. Season of Discovery is no different, as Runes and gear dropped in phase two have only worked to power up Restoration Shamans even ...
Once maximum level, it is wise to combineEngineeringwithBlacksmithing, as there will be various new bind on pickup crafted gear that will be best in slot in SoD, such asTempered Interference-Negating Helmetand the newShoulderplates of Dread, with further important BoP crafts expected down the ...
DPS Rogue BiS gear inWoWSoD Rogues rely on Ziri’s crafted items for their BiS gear moreso than other classes. Image via Blizzard Entertainment The best Rogue items inWorld of Warcraft ClassicSeason of Discovery phase two comefrom Gnomeregan, the reworked 10-person instance. Though many of you...