I’ve been ganked alot by rogues or other druids while fishing, here’s how to react properly from within your normal bear form macro #showtooltip /dismount /stopcasting /cancelform [noform] /use [worn:Insignia of the Horde][combat] Insignia of the Horde /cast [noform] Dire Bear Form ...
1. Balance Druid Talent Build 2. Recommended Rune Engravings 1. Balance Druid Talent Build High level Druid talents grant significant power withVengeance,Nature's Grace, andMoonfuryall being quite strong.Moonkin Formis also an excellent one-pointer, andImproved Starfireis a decent investment, altho...
Normal behavior: using a plain spell from your actionbar on a low level ally will automatically downrank the spell as needed to heal the target Macro behavior: spell is not cast, says “Target is too low level” In other…
ClassicSoD Azuresong MagebladeAzuresong Mageblade Blastershot LauncherBlastershot Launcher Staff of DominanceStaff of Dominance 2. Golemagg Summary by Role 2.1. Tanks You need four tanks, two for the boss and two for the Core Hounds. Keep the boss in the middle of the room where he starts, bu...
Fixed an issue causing Combo Points to incorrectly display on a Rogue or Druid’s primary target when generating Combo Points on a secondary target using a mouseover macro The cooldown of Auto Shot is now always re-evaluated by the client when the player switches between a Bow and a Gun ...
[11]=8,--DRUID [3]=7,--HUNTER [5]=6,--PRIEST [8]=5,--MAGE [9]=4,--WARLOCK [13]=3,--EVOKER [14]=1, [15]=2, } function module.options:SplitRoster() local GROUPS_OPT = VMRT.RaidGroups.SplitGroups local SPLIT_MAX = VMRT.RaidGroups.SplitParts local roster = {} local ...
Defense Specializationincreases your Avoidance for the low cost of a Rune slot. Make sure to check our Druid Rune guide in order to learn where to get all the SoD runes! Druid Runes and Locations 3. Changelog Updated talents, runes and explanation text for Phase 4....
Defense Specializationincreases your Avoidance for the low cost of a Rune slot. Make sure to check our Druid Rune guide in order to learn where to get all the SoD runes! Druid Runes and Locations 3. Changelog