Classic EraSeason of Discovery (SoD) Here you can find the DPS rankings for World of Warcraft Classic Era. These rankings are based upon in game data recordings from all phases of WoW Classic 1.14 with data captured by WoW Classic Era B
Warlock Tank Warrior Builds Warrior Abilities & Talents Arms Warrior DPS Fury Warrior DPS Prot Warrior Tank SoD Phase 7 Overview New Profession Crafted Items Tarnished Undermine Real Currency Epic Items Gla’sir & Raelar Kestrel & Peregrine Staff of Order, Inferno, & Rime Truthbearer Cassandra...
Warlock BiS gear inWoWSoD phase two Unsurprisingly, the majority of theWarlock BiS gearinWorld of Warcraft ClassicSeason of Discovery phase two comes from Gnomeregan. While many of these items can be found from drops listed below, the centerpieces of this gear are craft items. Below are all of...
Priest BiS Holy BiS Shadow DPS BiS Rogue BiS Sword BiS Dagger BiS Shaman BiS Resto Healing BiS Elemental DPS BiS Enhancement BiS Warlock BiS Warrior BiS Fury DPS BiS Prot Tanking BiS Twink BiS Druid Twink BiS Hunter Twink BiS Mage Twink BiS Paladin Twink BiS Priest Twink BiS Rogue ...
The dots that they don’t put up in pve even without the debuff limit because it’s like +50 dps in bis? Enh is bad because stormstrike is their only attack and it costs a ton of mana, you’d be lucky to get them to compete with feral. Dual wield is a good idea for them, ...
Vengee <Something need doing> 1 post 60 Gnome Warlock 0 Sep 2024 Fix OCE region first you flops“insert Australian insults” directed at blizzard. were not here to F spiders however, we are here to F up dragons mate. shame on you lot giving Australia the middle finger yeh its ...
All players are advised to bring Fire Resistance gear and potions if your raid is struggling to get through Phase 2. Alternatively, you can gear for additional damage during that phase (or bring more ranged DPS). 5. Important Abilities ...
Request SoD Warlock Tank Macro Trying to figure out how to make this general idea into a GSE Macro. I dont understand its priority settings or loop settings but this is the basic of what I want. ST Combat /cast [form:2] Metamorphosis...
Runic Engravings in WoW Classic Season of Discovery (SoD) Rune Engravingsare unique item enchantment that can be affixed to pieces of your gear to provide new spells and abilities, sometimes even unlocking entirely new roles such as Mage healer!
Rogue BiS Sword BiS Dagger BiS Shaman BiS Resto Healing BiS Elemental DPS BiS Enhancement BiS Warlock BiS Warrior BiS Fury DPS BiS Prot Tanking BiS Twink BiS Druid Twink BiS Hunter Twink BiS Mage Twink BiS Paladin Twink BiS Priest Twink BiS Rogue Twink BiS Shaman Twink BiS Warlock Twink...