Boss Encounters: Roogug, Death Speaker Jargba, Overlord Ramtusk, Aggem Thorncurse, Agathelos the Raging, Charlga Razorflank, Blind Hunter (rare), Earthcaller Halmgar (rare) Loot Drops: Corpsemaker, Swinetusk Shank, Heart of Agamaggan, Agamaggan’s Clutch, Tusken Helm Razorfen Kraul was cr...
Description: Refreshing Corruption, Immolate, Curse of Agony, or Siphon Life when it has less than six seconds duration remaining will cause you to deal instant damage to the target equal to one period of that spell’s periodic damage. Dance of the Wicked Engrave on Boots. Description: You a...
(can use Prayer of Shadow Protection to counter) Immolate: DoT for about 400 damage per three seconds Immune to poisons and to Curse of Tongues Sulfuron Harbinger Fight Strategy You want to try to progress up the left side and stay to the left, but don’t go all the way to Golemagg ...
Take a moment to applyCurse of Tonguesto all Skerams and figure out which is the real one. Something you can try is to drain Skeram's Mana a little in the first phase, as copies should spawn with full Mana while the real boss does not. Alternatively, because the copies have much low...
Amplify Curse(one point) – Make your curses more effective with this perk. Nightfall(one point) – Unfortunately, we can only get one point for this awesome proc. Shadow Trance is invaluable as it can make all your next Shadow Bolt an instant cast....
Rotation:Starting out, you’ll only have one damaging spell:Shadow Bolt. As you learn new spells, here is the rotation you’ll use: Corruption Curse of Agony Shadow Bolt or Shoot with your wand until it’s dead Make sure you maintain your Demon Skin buff at all times for defense. At ...
A Warlock’s Curse of Doom now properly summons a Doomguard A Warlock’s Eye of Kilrogg now only has 1 health point Pet Bar key bindings are no longer being reset when the pet is dismissed and re-summoned or when the player relogs ...