Blackfathom Deeps or Gnomeregan from the season’s previous phases, and while this is to be expected as we near the traditional WoW level cap of 60 in SoD, the tuning changes made today should bring the Sunken Temple more in line with what players expect out of a SoD raid’s difficulty....
Early on after SoD’s announcement some posters were of the opinion that SoD changes would be put into Era and bugs would carry over. Then we got SoDs PvP changes which confirmed exactly that and then it was said even more changes and bugs would come. That happened too. Pretty spot on...
This is to primarily to get more people motivated to queue during the week and in general in both Classic Era and SOD. I think testing out this change in SOD first would be perfectly fine. Hell, that is part of what SOD is trying out different changes. Right now, the overall number ...
changes to the economy as players progress, but also more WoW Season of Discovery gold sinks like flying mounts unlocking farther into content, keeping currency circulation and item values in flux throughout the six-month season. CarefulWoW SoD goldmanagement remains important for long-term success...
Sell WoW Classic Items Today I Want to Buy WoW Classic Items Free registration!Selling Information About Selling WoW Classic Items When selling something, it has to be something the buyer either desires or needs. An offer can also be persuasive enough for the buyer to think they need or want...
WoW Classic is nearly upon us and heres our Classic hub to help you out! Welcome to our WoW Classic content hub! Here, you will find links to our latest Classic news coverage and guides. Live Update WoW Classic is now live. Dont forget to check out: WoW
Today brought a new set of hotfixes to Phase 6 of Season of Discovery, including a number of changes to class abilities and set bonuses as well as some adjustments to the Chronoboo… Zeroji Achieves World First Hardcore 60 in WoW Classic Anniversary Edition ...
Didn't know that this thread will go places, but I tried playing it further and I like the changes despite my previous thoughts, I was kinda wrong I don't feel the 'being forced' aspect of logging it, which is great. my though the endgame is non existent. after 3 evenings of casua...
Many important changes and innovations, such as: Dragonriding system, where you have your own dragon and can participate in dragon racing; Dracthyr Evoker new class with two specializations: ranged DPS called Devastation and healer called Preservation; ...
Knowledge from the Forbidden Reach which allows you to upgrade yourcatch-up gear. This item, unfortunately, is soulbound and if you’re like me, your main is swimming in Forbidden Knowledge while your alts are stranded on the island trying to farm rares no one else is farm...