Zaetar and Theradras, the princess of the earth elementals, created the centaurs, who now protect the sacred burial grounds. Now Princess Theradras grieves deep within the cavern, filled with several noxious elementals that will make the journey a long one. Temple of Atal’Hakkar Level ...
Extremely rare recipe and extremely expensive materials (Lava Core x2, Essence of Earth x2, Dark Iron Bar x6, Thorium Tube x1, Delicate Arcanite Converter x4), it will be cheaper just gather gear with 8+ Hit (which is cap), but if you are super rich and have 5 Hit or less you can...
is a moderately difficult quest, especially if you’re attempting to complete it during phase two of SoD. The recommended level for this quest is about level 48, and considering the level cap inphase two of SoDis 40, you’re going to have your work cut out for you, even if you approa...
If you want classic+ we need to make SOD successful and give good feedback on what worked and didn’t work. These seasons are serving as a test bed for the changes that will ultimately go into classic+ or wow2 if you will…
I don’t see how on Earth, anyone, can possibly say that the Honor system is anything but an unbelievable trainwreck of god awful design. I don’t see, why, PvP gear simply wouldn’t be statted in a way in which it was just as powerful as PvE gear given the nature of how it’...
Shaman Resto overhauled into Earthwarden tanking spec, while a new Farseer class gets added with Resto healing, Nature/Wilds direct Caster, and a Pet-based Caster spec themes on the 'Wilds'. That is possible, if we are talking about what is possible. No. A class deserving of addition. ...