今天服务器维修建议在登陆前,到http://status.wowchina.com/server/realmlist8.htm确认自己的服务器已经维护完毕,因为即使大区内基本维护完毕,也可能存在某一服务器出现问题而延长维护时间 如果刚刚显示维护完毕,最好还是过个10分钟左右再登陆 如果显示维护完毕,正常运行,还是登陆不了,就确认下是不是...
16:11:38 | Server | Server | Starting Hermes Proxy... 16:11:38 | Server | Server | Version 2023-10-19 official 3.10.0 16:11:38 | Server | Server | Modern (Client) Build: V1_14_2_42597 16:11:38 | Server | Server | Legacy (Server) Build: V1_12_1_5875 16:11:38 | Stor...
你说的是今天维护时间 什么时候能上游戏啊还是想查你的服务器是什么时候开的啊要是只是因为今天维护想知道什么时候上 一般都是11点左右就能上了或者你去官网查看服务器状态也可以http://status.wowchina.com/server/realmlist3.htm这个网页直接查看服务器是否开放一般都半夜吧
Important!When setting Fishing Zone while using Streaming Server the stream image might be green, just minimize your VM window then focus it again. Important!If you want to use it with Hardware capture device, make sure to connect it to the VM instead of host PC(you connect it to your GP...
Online Players Status: Check who's online at the server, with support for multiple realms. Leaderboards: Display top players based on Playtime, Kills, Honor Points, Arena Points, and Arena Teams across different realms. Connection Guide: Step-by-step ‘How to connect’ page for new players....
are constantly striving to bring you the lowest price. We guarantee fast delivery for yourWow Gold. No Gold is acquired by hacking or bug exploitation to ensure the safety of your account. Become a member now, so you can access your invoices and follow-up the status of your current orders...
WOW-宏-API(全,中文)魔兽世界API 魔兽世界全局函数 帐号游戏时间范围函数(Account PlayTime Limit Functions)此类API函数是专门为防沉迷系统而设计的,能计算出当前玩家游戏时间等内容,当前只在亚洲地区有效。GetBillingTimeRested() - 返回当前帐户已登陆时间。PartialPlayTime() - 如果用户状态为“疲劳(tired)”则...
WOW-宏-API(全,中文)魔兽世界API 魔兽世界全局函数 帐号游戏时间范围函数(Account PlayTime Limit Functions)此类API函数是专门为防沉迷系统而设计的,能计算出当前玩家游戏时间等内容,当前只在亚洲地区有效。GetBillingTimeRested() - 返回当前帐户已登陆时间。PartialPlayTime() - 如果用户状态为“疲劳(tired)”则...
ServerToClient: SMSG_SPELL_START (0x2BB8) Length: 96 ConnIdx: 0 Time: 01/01/2016 00:22:33.235 Number: 701 (Cast) CasterGUID: Full: 0x03691F00000000000000000000000001 Player/0 R3558/S0 Map: 0 Low: 1 (Cast) SpellID: 2479 (Honorless Target) (Cast) CastFlags: 15...