/script CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE = X; /script ChangeActionBarPage(); 就是将你的快捷栏翻到第X页。 函数库中有许多函数都是非常有用和方便的,比如一次打开所有包包: /script OpenAllBags(); 配合关闭包包的函数,一次关闭所有包的宏也可以实现: /script CloseBag(0); /script CloseBag(1); /...
/script if ( SpellIsTargeting() ) then SpellTargetUnit("player"); end /script if (UnitName("target") ~=nil and UnitIsFriend("player","target")) then CastSpellByName("治疗术(等级1)") SendChatMessage("即将治疗 %T", "Party") else TargetUnit ("player") CastSpellByName("治疗术(等级1)...
/script if ( SpellIsTargeting() ) then SpellTargetUnit("player"); end /script if (UnitName("target") ~=nil and UnitIsFriend("player","target")) then CastSpellByName("治疗术(等级1)") SendChatMessage("即将治疗 %T", "Party") else TargetUnit ("player") CastSpellByName("治疗术(等级1)...
/script GameTooltip:SetInventoryItem("player", GetInventorySlotInfo("MainHandSlot")); if(GameTooltipTextRight4:GetText()~="匕首") then CastSpellByName("邪恶攻击(等级 8)") else PickupContainerItem(0,1); PickupInventoryItem(16); end说明:如果主手不是匕首,则用邪恶攻击。如果主手是匕首,则把主...
/script CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE = X; /script ChangeActionBarPage(); 就是将你的快捷栏翻到第X页。 函数库中有许多函数都是非常有用和方便的,比如一次打开所有包包: /script OpenAllBags(); 配合关闭包包的函数,一次关闭所有包的宏也可以实现: /script CloseBag(0); /script CloseBag(1); /script ...
/script CURRENT_ACTIONBAR_PAGE = X; /script ChangeActionBarPage(); 就是将你的快捷栏翻到第X页。 函数库中有许多函数都是非常有用和方便的,比如一次打开所有包包: /script OpenAllBags(); 配合关闭包包的函数,一次关闭所有包的宏也可以实现: /script CloseBag(0); /script CloseBag(1); /script ...
when the user opens the spellbook. 'LeftButton' when using the mouse to open the spellbook or to browse through the pages and tabs of the open spellbook. "SOCKET_INFO_CLOSE" Category: Misc ? "SOCKET_INFO_UPDATE" Category: Misc "SOUND_DEVICE_UPDATE" Category: System ? "SPELLS_CHAN...
AddOn for World of Warcraft. Frame Commander simply adds slash commands to the game to open various frames, such as Talents, the Spellbook, your Vault, and more! warcraftaddonwarcraft-addonwowaddonswowaddon UpdatedOct 23, 2024 Lua AddOn for World of Warcraft. Adds category for saved equipment...
5.x spellBookSort 1 Game Account 6.0.2 spellClutter -1 Graphics Cull unimportant spell effects. -1 means auto based on targetFPS otherwise [0-100], 0 means cull nothing for perf reasons, 100 means cull as much as you can SpellCooldownDebugger 0 SpellEventLog 0 SpellOverrides 0 ...
Edit the batch script in C:\WowClassicGrindBot\BlazorServer called run.bat, change it to point at where you have put the repo BlazorServer folder e.g. start "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" "http://localhost:5000" c: cd C:\WowClassicGrindBot\BlazorServer ...