1. Stat Priority for Survival Hunters 2. Stats Further Explained 1. Stat Priority for Survival Hunters Hit chance until 9% (Hit Cap) Agility; Attack Power; Critical Strike chance; Stamina; Intellect; Spirit; Strength. 2. Stats Further Explained ...
WOW魔兽世界9.15法师塔挑战]RETRIBUTION惩戒PALADIN圣骑 附解说 石更石更君 2021-12-18 06:34 石更君WOW魔兽世界9.15法师塔挑战]RETRIBUTION惩戒PALADIN圣骑 附解说点赞0评论0评论0打开App
Retribution Paladin has received a major rework in the Season of Discovery, alleviating many of the issues with the Class, while also adding some fun tools and abilities allowing you to maximize your damage. Retribution Paladin has undergone many major changes throughout Season of Discovery and has...
The paladin (often shortened to "pala" or "pally" by players) is a holy knight,[1] a hybrid class with the ability to play a variety of different roles — healing (holy), tanking (protection), and DPS (retribution). Firstly introduced in Warcraft II, then as hero units in Warcraft ...
Paladin Seal of the Crusader damage increased by 100 percent. Rebuke interrupt duration decreased to three seconds (was four seconds). Fixed a tooltip error with Consecrated Ground displaying Divine Hammer for non-Retribution Paladins. Fixed an issue causing Consecrated Ground’s radius increase to no...
I want the macro to do the normal retribution paladin rotation like from the start of the fight first cast exorcism > crusader strike > judgement then cast which ever one is off cooldown and keep doing same thing, like so if exorcism was on cool down choose to cast crusader strike because...
Paladin_Devotion_Aura Paladin_Retribution_Aura Paladin_Concentration_Aura Paladin_Shadow_Resistance_Aura Paladin_Frost_Resistance_Aura Paladin_Fire_Resistance_Aura Paladin_Sanctity_Aura Paladin_Crusader_Aura DeathKnight_Blood_Presence DeathKnight_Frost_Presence DeathKnight_Unholy_Presence e.g. "Requirement": ...
Retribution FCFS helper (clcret) by abija. Helps with Retri Paladin DPS rotation. ReURL by AnduinLothar. Click chat URL's to insert into the editbox. Rewatch by Dezyne. Helps you monitor your healing-over-time (HoT) spells as a druid. ...
Item - Paladin T9 Retribution Relic (Seal of Vengeance) 瞬发 每当你的复仇圣印或腐蚀圣印技能造成持续性伤害,就有一定几率使你获得200点力量,持续16 秒。 法术细节 持续时间n/a 类型物理 机制n/a 驱散类型n/a GCD类别n/a 花费无 范围0 码(自身) ...
英文名:Item - Paladin T10 Retribution Relic (Crusader Strike)复制 中文代码英文代码 Item - Paladin T10 Retribution Relic (Crusader Strike) 瞬发 你的十字军打击技能使你获得44点力量加成。该效果最多可叠加5次。 法术细节 持续时间n/a 类型物理 ...