Paladin Healer Prot Paladin Tank Ret Paladin DPS Priest Builds Priest Abilities & Talents Discipline Priest Healer Holy Priest Healer Shadow Priest DPS Rogue Builds Rogue Abilities & Talents Combat Rogue Tank Assassination Rogue DPS Subtlety Rogue DPS Shaman Builds Shaman Abilities & Talents Shaman...
Also, as a Holy Paladin, I'm planning on sticking with my T7.5 4-set instead of upgrading to T8.5, as the bonuses (about 2% haste, 2% crit, roughly 100 SP, and some odd number of int., iIrc (3AM)) are simply not worth losing the 5% mana cost reduction of Holy Light (my one...
Retribution paladins, the offensive variant of the Paladin class, have become increasingly viable candidates for raiding positions as well as taking spots on arena teams where we were once seen as only healers. In fact, Paladins are now very common in high ranking arena teams and Ret Pallies ar...
Paladin Talents 1-60 There are many different ways to spend your talents while leveling to 60. I recommend a combination of Ret and Prot talents for solo leveling and questing, here are some examples: Standard Ret –(Ret/Sanc aura) Defensive Ret/Prot –(Devo/Sanc aura) Offensive Ret/Prot...
Horde:You get a journal from the Paladin and you will have to go to Jarkal mossmeld in Kargath to get the follow up. If your group is ok with it, warp to Kargath, get the follow up[44] Find the Gems and Power Source (Dungeon)then suicide run back to Uldaman. If your group isn...
In patch 3.2Titanium Orecan be prospected for Epic gems (along with Titanium Dust, blue gems and green gems). Likely the case is the prices of Titanium Ore went up the last few weeks, since most of the people read the patch notes and knew what was coming, mass stock-up. ...