Druid BiS Feral Tank BiS Feral DPS BiS Resto Healing BiS Balance DPS BiS Hunter BiS Mage BiS Paladin BiS Holy BiS Retribution DPS BiS Prot Tanking BiS Priest BiS Holy BiS Shadow DPS BiS Rogue BiS Sword BiS Dagger BiS Shaman BiS Resto Healing BiS Elemental DPS BiS Enhancement BiS War...
NFU玩家社区为魔兽怀旧服玩家制作的各阶段最好的60级BIS装备出处,以及武器附魔毕业搭配以帮助你准备团队副本。U19 U29 U39 U49 60级BIS装备 tbc bis WLK bis 分享大厅 1 (pre-raid) 2 (pre-raid) 2 3 4 5 6 职业专精如果您认为此BIS不对,请提交您认为正确的BIS装帮助改进发布BIS配装 >> ...
spec’d resto. I’d like to find a fun, social guild that I can level with, and then continue to raiding with. As a raider, I stay up to date with theory crafting, BiS lists, consumables, but I also like to joke around a lot and have fun. I’ll prob ...
making them a force to be reckoned with in the open world and in battlegrounds. In Warsong Gulch specifically, Resto Druids are the best flag carriers that top teams will use due to their incredibly defensive, healing, and kiting capabilities. With a large and versatile...
TBC Resto Druid Guide TBC Druid Guide Rating: Let’s start with the abbreviations you need to know when playing a Restoration Druid: HoT – Heal over time. The phrase HoTs is used as a gathering umbrella for spells that include a Healing over Time component, after you have finished ...
Druid’s Resto 0 /3 Priest Holy/Disc 2 / 4 Ever wonder if guild communities still exist? Where adult gamers can enjoy a mature, fun environment and still get raid content down efficiently and enjoy everything else world of warcraft has to offer? We strongly believe you can maintain a chi...
1-2 Resto Druids (Low) Contact Info jjswat#1342, Crabgrass#1578 (Battlenet) discord.gg/EMyjXQ5 Cryptïc-area-52August 24, 2019, 3:28pm4 Hi Knohkko! We have one remaining position open for a Heal-oriented priest (Holy or PI spec is fine). We start a little earlier than what you...
Right now if your tanks are buffed to the max, as a resto druid I can’t really use HoTs because they risk bumping a buff off. This feels kinda bad. I’d imagine this is similar for priests, though maybe to a lesser extent. This is probably a consideration for a lot ...
The Scarlet Dawn is currently recruiting 1 exceptional Resto Druid, 1 Holy Priest and 1 Lock who are at least decently AQ/BWL geared (Combo) for our current 12/15 raid team. We were 8/8 in BWL first week (One of the few guilds on Pagle to do 8/8 first week) and AQ that is 9...
The ability to go through and min/max your character with pre-bis before we start raiding, which will be as soon as we have 40 people high enough level Classes we are recruiting for: • Druid OPEN • Hunter OPEN • Mage OPEN • Paladins OPEN • Priests OPEN • Rogues: OPEN ...