英文名:Red Wolf Meat复制 中文代码英文代码 20 红狼肉ID: 12203 卖价:87 NFU数据库 db.nfuwow.com 相关 掉落于(60) 掉落于(60) 施法材料(1) 施法材料(1) 声音(2) 声音(2) 名称 等级 地点 反应 类型 % 中文:哈雷肯 英文:Halycon 59 精英
英文名:Red Wolf Meat复制 中文代码英文代码吃瓜台代码提交G团成交价 10 红狼肉ID: 12203 Red Wolf Meat 物品等级 30 NFU数据库 db.nfuwow.com 相关联的信息 1-61of61 中文:斑斑 英文:Spot20贫瘠之地联盟部落野兽100 中文:圈养的霜狼 英文:Stabled Frostwolf50奥特兰克山谷联盟部落野兽70 ...
The recipe is sold byAndrew Hilbert(Horde) in Silverpine Forest at the Sepulcher, and byDrac Roughcut(Alliance) in Loch Modan at Thelsamar. You can also make[Spiced Wolf Meat]up to around 70 if you can find cheap Stringy Wolf Meat at the Auction House. ...
In contrast to all of the other sumptuous food, we were surprised that it was a dry deli meat turkey sandwich. All of the staff were gracious, friendly, and very helpful. The explorations were fantastic, challenging, fun, and informative. We wish that Explora would open facilities in other...
Make sure you have a combined amount of 10 boar/wolf meat. <WEAPON UPGRADE> If there are people around, or if you feel confident being able to kite Vagash to the guard on the road without dying, do Protecting the Herd, but don’t waste time waiting around if you can’t do it. ...
Once you have obtained this recipe you will be need to farm theWarpwood Podsscattered all about the instance. Be wary, they have a chance to backfire and either spray you with toxic green mist or spawn 3 to 5Whip Lashers, but you should be able to get enough for that final run to ...
Rotbow stalker’s Scented Meat impact damage reduced by 30 oe+percent. Trickclaw’s Warband Updated the visual indicator for Savage Charge. Halls of Infusion Glacial Proto-Dragon’s Deep Chill periodic damage reduced by 20 percent. Neltharion’s Lair ...
(2/3) Helboar, the Other White Meat {61} (1/3) Ravager Egg Roundup {61} (3/3) From the Abyss {63} (2/3) Void Ridge {61} (1/3) The Warp Rifts {61} (4/4) Grillok "Darkeye" {62} (2/4) Zeth'Gor Must Burn! {61} (2/4) The Eyes of Grillok {62} (1/4) Wanted...
英文名:Red Wolf Meat复制 中文代码英文代码提交G团成交价 20 红狼肉ID: 12203 卖价:87 NFU数据库 db.nfuwow.com 相关 掉落于(61) 掉落于(61) 施法材料(1) 施法材料(1) 声音(2) 声音(2) 名称 等级 地点 反应 类型 % 中文:哈雷肯 英文:Halycon ...
中文:配方:初级敏捷药剂英文:Recipe: Elixir of Minor Agility 12 掉落 炼金配方 6.1 中文:配方:迅捷药水英文:Recipe: Swiftness Potion 15 掉落 炼金配方 6.1 中文:图样:红色亚麻包英文:Pattern: Red Linen Bag 14 掉落、商人 裁缝图样 6.1 中文:灰皮小靴英文:Gray Fur Booties 9 4 脚 饥饿的黑暗犬 皮...