Because of their access to some of the most powerful weapons in the game, Warriors tend to dominate the top damage rankings for DPS in World of Warcraft. This is especially true when they are outfitted with the best raid gear available, after which they are the clear winners in raw ...
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic is entering its fourth and final phase, which introduces the Icecrown Citadel raid and the legendary weapon Shadowmourne. With new content and gear, the DPS rankings of different classes and specs may change significantly. In this article, we wi...
1.先说dps吧。鸟D会被优先考虑用来配合法师AE,惩戒会用来回蓝,DK就是近战砍啦。5人副本的话鸟D会比惩戒好组队一些,DK就不说了,因为满大街都是,想做DD的话真的是比较难。25人本鸟D惩戒和输出DK机会差不多,考虑到玩家人数问题,还是鸟比较占优势,骑士稍逊,DK- -!相近装备的情况下,DK...
Fury – It's going to start off not being so fun being a Fury Warrior. But with each raid tier, you'll get a little stronger. So stick with it, contain that rage and you'll likely be the top DPS in Phase 4 BM Hunter – Just play MM or Survival Wotlk Classic D Tier DPS Sub ...
Number 8: Shadow Priest (6237 DPS SIMMED) Shadow Priests have skyrocketed to the upper echelons of DPS meters. This class has very good, sustained damage on multiple targets. With the ability to talent into AOE damage the Shadow Priest goes into a great situation for a mid-raid role swap...
raid前最好有一把2级锻造锤/守备官的烙印做主手,18摸副手剑做副手。身上装备如果有魔能皮甲3件套可以买的话建议买齐,如果有工程头的话最好有工程做一下。 如果不想准备的话穿T3进卡拉赞也能打,算上套装特效的话还是不如70raid前的BIS但是差距不大,主要是武器还是要搞把好点的。
4: Havoc Demon Hunter - 50,398.63 DPS Image Are you prepared? When you want to look like Illidan and kill like him too. A great addition to any raid and one of the top melee classes. Needed in raids to increase target’s magic damage taken by 5% ...
随着燃烧的远征开始,debuff点从16增加到40。使痛苦可以带来更多的伤害。 痛苦的好处是能够用点“预加载”他们的伤害。 丧失能力或移动时允许损失最少的DPS。 邪咒和暗影之拥是带来痛苦术士的另一个原因。 这些增加了raid范围的DPS,也分别给坦克提供了更多的喘息空间以适应进攻。
the class was also notoriously difficult to play because that DPS came at the cost of needing to manage Mana so that you didn't run out within 30 seconds of a raid fight. Arcane Mages are also hilariously bad at dealing with AOE damage as an additional trade-off. Still, when played at...