英文名:The Seer's Relic 复制 中文代码 英文代码 地狱火半岛塔哈玛特神殿的智者阿曼恩要你回到瑟丹的尸体旁,使用先知的圣物。任务完成之后回去向他复命。 先知的圣物 (提供的) 看到幻像 相关地点此任务完整发生于地狱火半岛. 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:...
英文名:Relic of the Earthen Ring 复制 中文代码 英文代码 带着你的四件图腾去见铁炉堡的先知安努。 火焰图腾 大地图腾 空气图腾 水之图腾相关地点此任务开始于暴风城、铁炉堡和埃索达,结束于铁炉堡。建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图...
The Black Vault You’ll find a set of Blacksmithing Plans on a table in the first room here. In the vault itself, you’ll encounter the boss Warder Stilgiss and his demon pet, Verek. If you’ve collected some Relic Coffer Keys, you’ll be able to open the Relic Coffer Doors insid...
The order sent its most loyal crusaders into the war-torn Plaguelands in search of a suitable relic, and the few who returned bore a strange jewel bristling with darkness. Some sources say it had been part of a truncheon carried by one of the first death knights to walk the world. ...
Tyr was a titan-forged keeper and the mightiest of the watchers.[3] He once resided at the Temple of Order, in Ulduar.[4] Tyr died fighting against Keeper Loken's minions, after his betrayal was made known to both Tyr and Archaedas. He wa
Thor Modan is a ruined iron dwarven city located in the northeastern part of the Grizzly Hills in Northrend. It is the ancient home of the iron dwarves and its architecture is similar to the Alliance dwarven city of Ironforge; even down to a statue much
If you want to see how much fun leveling lockpicking was prior to Cataclysm continue reading this guide but once it’s released this guide is an ancient relic of things in the past like many other WoW Guides have become as Blizzard continuously tries to standardize everything of every class...
A Scars of the Past|QID|47986|PRE|47892|M|60.68,47.30|N|From Image of Grand Artificer Romuul.| A Chaos Theory|QID|47988|PRE|47892|M|60.61,43.97|N|From Illidan Stormrage.| C Preventive Measures|QID|47987|M|61.59,33.38|QO|1|NC|U|152110|N|Warriors sanctified.|S| ...
The Zandalari Empire (or the Zandalar Empire)[1][2] is one of the great troll nations, home of the Zandalari trolls, ruled by Queen Talanji. It is located on the island of Zandalar, formerly a mountain range where the first trolls settled
83.77|N|Each doll part spawns in a random location within 1 of the 3 ruined houses. Multiple parts could be in the same location/area.\nA Ghosts of the Past will spawn when you approach the part. Be on your guard.\nIn case someone else is doing the quest around you, there is a ...