Log into the game. In the lower left-hand corner of your character select screen, you should see an “Addons” button. Click it. The WoW-Pro addon and TomTom should both be listed. Make sure they are checked, and you’re ready to go! If you have any trouble installing the guide, ...
Really our of the way or annoying quests with little return. I haven’t been using it too often. Something the typical user would NOT want to do, something only completionists would want to do. [Back to top] QIDs for Non-Quest Steps ...
another quest “Elekks Are Serious Business” will NOT be available. The other one is better XP and reward, so I suggest you skip this one.|
first head to Fort Livingstone, to the south of Northern Stranglethorn.\n\nThere is a breadcrumb quest leading you to this zone, Hero’s Call from the callboard in Stormwind City, which can be used in addition to the breadcrumb from Northern Stranglethorn....