The Tushui Pandaren have set up a pavilion near the earthshrine, where adventurers can travel to Pandaria, purchase dragon turtle mounts and contains the city's monk class trainer. It shares the same beauty as the rest of Elwynn Forest. Following the third invasion of the Burning Legion, a ...
Valley of Honor –the lake has lost its secluded corner; a second major Auction House is near the lake; where the Engineering trainer used to be is now a waterway, and all trainers are now condensed into the remaining, expanded buildings; Engineering trainer is now in the Drag; near the ...
Valley of Honor –the lake has lost its secluded corner; a second major Auction House is near the lake; where the Engineering trainer used to be is now a waterway, and all trainers are now condensed into the remaining, expanded buildings; Engineering trainer is now in the Drag; near the ...
Jamesina Watterly <Engineering Trainer> Jonathan Lewis <Mining Trainer> Kristen Smythe <Blacksmithing Trainer> Marjory Kains <Herbalism Trainer> Roberta Jacks <Skinning Trainer> Sally Tompkins <First Aid Trainer> Thomas Kolichio <Cooking Trainer> Wilhelmina Renel <Alchemy Trainer>MerchantsAllianceAnchorite...
Players who have learned the first recipe in each of "the ways" can discover a questline that starts on the Timeless Isle: " [35] Noodle Secrets Long Forgotten." Heroes will search for a long-lost pandaren recipe allowing them to build and run their own noodle cart. The all-new quest...
Embark on all new profession questlines for Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Engineering, Inscription, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, and Tailoring, each culminating in an epic reward. If you’ve reached level 150 in Kul Tiran or Zandalari professions, return to your main profession trainer(s) ...
Fixed trainer Fixed quest Fixed quest Fixed quest Fixed lo...
Supplies for alchemists, engineers, and tailors, as well as engineering and mining trainers for those who wish to brush up on their skills. A teleportation pad for quick and safe arrival for gnomish engineers who have the Ultrasafe Transporter: Gadgetzan. The Thunderdrome, a large cage arena....
“This booming coastal city is run by Baron Revilgaz of the Blackwater Raiders. Mortal enemies of the Bloodsail Buccaneers and part of the Steamwheedle Cartel.”
The Tushui Pandaren have set up a pavilion near the earthshrine, where adventurers can travel to Pandaria, purchase dragon turtle mounts and contains the city's monk class trainer. It shares the same beauty as the rest of Elwynn Forest. Following the third invasion of the Burning Legion, a ...