Officers will check your stat priority, gear, addons, etc before you will be allowed to Raid. Can I Tank as a Pally or Druid in the Raid? Druid… hrmmm… maybe if we can’t someone else to off tank. Hopefully not. Pally? Let’s pretend you didn’t ask tha...
LeotherasFor this fight you need 365 fire resist. You can get this fairly easily from the badge items and you get +70 from master summoner and pally aura. Get soul link and park a felhound outside of whirlwind range, but close enough to you to get the buff. Try to keep as much ...
Since I’m an h pally healer i can wear anything, if im healing and a cloth upgrade drops i am entitled to roll on it if it is an upgrade. Not because i “can” use it, but because its an upgrade for my role. I will however make my decision carefully because it could be a ...