Folders and files Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History22 Commits .github/workflows Locales.lua MoveTalkingHead.lua MoveTalkingHead.toc About Makes that message dialog movable with Shift-Left-Click Activity Custom pro...
(talking about the pvp crap itemization) repeating: at some points one say something, the other says the same thing, and the third says it in a different way. just /agree and move on. Humor: doesn't this podcast lack good jokes? its a game, no need to make it sound all serious ...
The WOWcampaign believes that now that this Government has admitted it is possible to assess the fairness of the austerity cuts targeted at disabled people the debate should now move onto whether it is right to make disabled people pay for the greed of the bankers. How we can make society ...
But the fact that they made BOE have corr on them are a bad move. When you can get the best gear in the game not even playing the game. Something are wrong. You dont even need to get boosted. Just go to the AH. So what is stopping you? The AH is right there, your wallet is...
AE– Another abbreviations for Area of Effect (AoE), can also refer to Arcane Explosion. AFK– Away from keyboard Aggro– See Threat. Unless you are atank, you typically do not want to have aggro on a mob. Derived fromaggressive.
point of the Y at the pommel. It is totally rigid front to back but the area where the headplate lies is totally flexible and therefore moulds around whatever shaped headplate is put in it. The stirrup bars also move to the new angle and keep a smooth line with the rest of the tree...
Slide the outer two closer to each other until the pointers overlap the curves just a bit – now look at the image and adjust their final position the way you like it best. Same counts for the middle handle – move it around a bit to give the image the final touch – as simple as...
(NPE_MOVE), valueText, false, speed) statFrame.speed = speed statFrame.runSpeed = runSpeed statFrame.flightSpeed = flightSpeed statFrame.swimSpeed = swimSpeed StatusPlusButton:create_status_label(statFrame, CR_SPEED) end function MovementSpeed_OnEnter(statFrame) GameTooltip:SetOwner(statFrame...
They’re most concerned with preventing the escape of their prey, as living opponents move much faster than undead, and often panic. Mounted knights run down fleeing enemies, while the foot soldiers remain behind to engage slower targets. Foot soldiers also use trip attacks to reduce the odds ...
MouselookStop() - Exits mouse look mode; mouse movement is used to move the mouse cursor. MoveViewDownStart() - Begins rotating the camera downward. MoveViewDownStop() - Stops rotating the camera after #MoveViewDownStart() is called. MoveViewInStart() - Begins zooming the camera in. Move...