,Adds a Rule to Arkinventory that scan the Tooltip for Openable Items,"cata,classic,mainline,wrath",725618,,,True+713314310,Gnobesy,fvoges/Gnobesy,,This is a maintenance fork of the Gnobesy: Guild Bank E...
ObjectiveTracker.lua PaperDoll.lua PetBattle.lua Professions.lua SellBuy.lua Talking.lua Target.lua Texture.lua Tooltips.lua UnitFrame.lua WorldMap.lua Sesource Tools bak API_Create.lua API_Func.lua API_Panel.lua API_WoWDate.lua API_WoWTools.lua ...
HandyNotes shows every rare mob by placing a skull marker on your map and also shows the spawn points for achievement-related enemies, and you can find out more about a specific icon by hovering your mouse over it. This addon also displays the locations of treasure and tells you how to ge...
by Xus. Powerful Warlock AddOn for Raiders. Main features: Soulstone Tracker, Spell Timer, Summon Assistant, Shard Spy, Cooldown Timer, Healthstone Spy, Shard Manager and Self & Raid messages. Fragile3 by Dridzt. An aggro warning system for parties and raids. ...
Gathers up your addon minimap buttons and puts them into a frame. MinimapZoom by Nirriti. Hide the + and - zoom buttons and zoom using the mouse wheel. MinnaStats Damage Meters by RobertJ. Tracks damage done with minimal CPU impact....
Getting this error when hovering the mouse over the display on the bar from the Bazooka addon, the game freezes for some seconds and then it does gave me that error, no that its an issue as i do not know what is supossed to do but will report it just in case ...
Clique: Enables mouseover and click-casting for spells, removing the need to manually target players. Gargul: Simplifies loot management in pug raids. Plater Nameplates: A versatile and customizable nameplate addon. Cell: A compact and customizable party and raid frame replacement. CharacterStatsClas...
This addon also tracks gold trades to help boosters and people buying. Shows you in chat window any time you give or receive gold to/from another player. Has a trade log window to show all trade history and what instance you were in at the time. ...
GatherMate2is an addon to collect and track herbs, mines, fishing pools, gas clouds, archaelogy finds and treasures, and displays them on the world map and the mini map. This is theRetailversion of GatherMate2, the version forWoW Classiccan be foundhere ...
Jamba is an addon for World of Warcraft that is designed to assist multiboxers. Version 0.7f now available for download. This is beta software and may have problems. Please report any you find in this thread and I'll fix them as soon as possible. D