.mount .dismount下马 .gm显示当前在线的GM .gmon GM模式开启 .gmoff GM模式关闭 .Gps显示当前所在地的座标 .info显示当前服务器信息 .worldport传送到指定的座标,指令格式:.worldport x y z地图id .save保存自己角色信息 .saveall保存全服角色信息 .start回到出生点 .levelup提升角色升级 .additem添加某物品给...
.help $command 显示$command 命令的使用方法介绍。 acct .acct 显示你的账号权限级别。 kick .kick $charactername 踢出在线角色人物。 ban .ban $account|ip|character 封禁为$account|ip|character的账号或IP或角色(可以对玩家用命令.pinfo查看) 并且如果该玩家在线,则踢出服务器.。 unban ...
These emote commands can also be used in macros. Emote CommandAnimVoiceNo Target TextTargeted Text /absent You look absent-minded. You look at %s absently. /agree You agree. You agree with %s. /amaze You are amazed! You are amazed by %s! /angry /mad ✔️ You raise your ...
.mount .dismount下马 .gm显示当前在线的GM .gmon GM模式开启 .gmoff GM模式关闭 .Gps显示当前所在地的座标 .info显示当前服务器信息 .worldport传送到指定的座标,指令格式:.worldport x y z地图id .save保存自己角色信息 .saveall保存全服角色信息 .start回到出生点 .levelup提升角色升级 .additem添加某物品给...
3Comments I don't understand how to create a account i use the normal create account command but it wont let me log in with it but if i do (bnetaccount create account pass) it lets me login why does it do this? Upvote0 Downvote0 ...
额 我只知道几个常用的快捷语言命令/RA 是团队说话/BG 战场说话/PLAYED 该角色在线时间和ID使用时间/DND 我不在 有事留言. 是使角色处于免打扰,自动回复"我不在 有事留言" 如果再打一次/DND 是取消请勿打扰状态/mountspecial 飞行坐骑在天上旋转360度 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...
今天特转载各处收集决大部分常用命令 首先新进单机的朋友可用: (所有命令都在聊天栏中输入) .additem990001制造大芒果宝石(这个一定要做,相当与一个随身传送) .gmon启用GM模式GM模式下可单独进团队FB所有怪为中立, 打怪都不反抗 .gmoff关闭GM模式 .learn40733学到无限时间无敌技能 .modifyfaction1...
Mounts also have a special emote that can be seen by either jumping (the Space key by default) while not moving or performing the /mountspecial slash command. For example hawkstriders will shriek. Riding skills and abilities A Human Mage riding a Swift White Steed, an Alliance Epic Mount....
Much of this article was written by Cogwheel (WoWInterface user Cogwheel). This is an article on making a macro. A macro is a list of slash commands. Common slash commands include the following: /say (/s) /whisper (/w, /talk, /t) /reply (/r) /emote (/e,
Mount special You can set a keybind for/mountspecial. Toggle an Leatrix addon You can set keybinds to toggle any Leatrix addon. Just open the key bindings panel to set them (accessible from the game menu). Media Leatrix Plus includes a built-in media player featuring thousands of music tr...