The WoW MoP Remix event offers a plethora of activities that can skyrocket your characters to level 70 in no time. These leveled characters can then be transferred to the normal retail realms, allowing you to build an alt army for Dragonflight. From choosing the right class and utilizing the...
The discussion last night was how once you level up in Remix and even to some extent while leveling, the game turns into a daily chore. Many players in my guild and friend base are logging in daily to complete the three daily quests in the Bazaars (Scenario, Dungeon and Raid kill bosse...
MoP Remix Rewards 2. MoP Remix Class Guides If you are looking for class advice, check out our specialization guides tailored for MoP Remix! Blood Death Knight MoP Remix GuideFrost Death Knight MoP Remix GuideUnholy Death Knight MoP Remix GuideHavoc Demon Hunter MoP Remix GuideVengeance Demon Hu...
With the many ways to get Bronze in MoP Remix, it can be hard to decide what to do each time you log in. The above checklist and suggestions will help with this by providing a structure. You can mindlessly kill frogs while watching a livestream, complete Mythic raids to fulfill achieveme...