英文名:Mithril Ore复制 中文代码英文代码 20 秘银矿石ID: 3858 需要珠宝加工(175) 卖价:250 NFU数据库 db.nfuwow.com 相关 包含于(2) 包含于(2) 给予者(1) 给予者(1) 包含于(17) 包含于(17) 矿产来源(4) 矿产来源(4) 加工中(7) 加工中(7) ...
比较比较 查找升级…查找升级… 英文名:Mithril Ore复制 中文代码英文代码 20 秘银矿石ID: 3858 需要珠宝加工(175) 卖价:250 NFU数据库 db.nfuwow.com 包含于(2) 包含于(2) 给予者(1) 给予者(1) 包含于(17) 包含于(17) 矿产来源(4) 矿产来源(4) ...
Thorium Ore If you want to farm different ores, please see my other guides: Copper OreTin OreIron OreMithril Ore Un'goro Crater Low level players should skip the cave to the south. Eastern Plaguelands The red line is filled with level 57-58 elites, so if you have bad gear, you should...
Ores Copper Ore Tin Ore Iron Ore Mithril Ore Thorium Ore Dark Iron Ore Leathers Light Leather Medium Leather Heavy Leather Heavy Hide Thick Leather Rugged Leather Essences Essence of Fire Essence of Water Essence of Earth Essence of Air Essence of Undeath Living Essence Cloth Linen Cloth Wool ...
Mithril Orealong the way! This method requires no killing of enemies whatsoever, only running / positioning to avoid pulling aggro through the dungeon. You can see it being masterfully done byTimira in this video. 3.1.4. Inner Maraudon Farming with Scepter of Celebras ...
(and you may even profit if the demand on the Auction House is high enough - and it most likely will be, as Warrior will be very popular Class). Ability to craft Rods (that are needed by enchanters), Grinding Stones, Shield Spikes, and Mithril Spurs will be a nice additional source ...
* Blasted Lands: not a massive amount of Thorium to be had here, but good for a quick run, whilst your looking for Mithril. * Searing Gorge: same as the Mithril run above. * Burning Steppes: No real decent run here. Just do full circuits picking up Dark Iron as well. ...
Mithril veins require a skill of 175). The relative difficulty of the mining attempt is color coded as all other crafting and gathering professions: Red:Skill insufficient. Orange:100% chance of increasing skill level. Yellow:75% chance of increasing skill level. Green:<50% chance of ...
The Mithril Scale Bracers pattern can only be bought from two vendors, one for each faction and is carried in limited supply. Alliance will find Haggran in Aerie Peak and Horde will find Gharash in Stonard. Beyond this one pattern the rest of the guide is pretty much a running game for...
Mithril veins require a skill of 175). The relative difficulty of the mining attempt is color coded as all other crafting and gathering professions: Red:Skill insufficient. Orange:100% chance of increasing skill level. Yellow:75% chance of increasing skill level. Green:<50% chance of ...