Restoration Shaman (A-Tier): Formidable PvP presence, great crowd control & support. Holy Priest (A-Tier): Solid PvP healer, versatile toolkit & healing output. Restoration Druid (A-Tier): PvP stalwart, mobility & HoTs keep the team going. Mistweaver Monk (B-Tier): Decent PvP healer, bu...
WOW魔兽世界9.15法师塔挑战MISTWEAVER奶僧 MONK武僧 附解说 石更石更君 2021-12-23 18:16 石更WOW魔兽世界9.15法师塔挑战MISTWEAVER奶僧 MONK武僧 附解说点赞0评论0评论0打开App
Wenlo The Chi-ji Raid and mythic + Build, The War Within Mistweaver Monk ( Udapted For S2) Mistweaver 70 5h Elfyau’s TWW v0.3 Holy Paladin **Updated 07-Mar-25** Holy 5 5h SCG-Single Button Unholy Death Knight macro sets for level 80, patch 11.1, update: 3/3/25 ...
Mistweaver Monk is pretty solid. It does pretty good healing now and it actually never runs out of Mana but its healing throughput isn't as good. If you're fighting against a lot of Unholy DK or Augmentation Evoker, Mistweaver is actually not too bad into ...
Best Wind Walker Monk build Number 2: Feral Druid (6689 DPS SIMMED) Feral Druids have changed from BFA and not for a bat turn. The shape shifting Lion/Bear melee class are in a really good spot with their DPS. Not only tha...
Here we rank all healing specs from easiest to hardest to play in WoW Dragonflight for both PvE and PvP: 1 - Mistweaver Monk (Easiest) Mistweaver is a near wholly unique healer, preferring to place itself safely in melee of the boss, using its damaging melee abili...
Frosteye Mechagnome Join Date May 2011 Posts 583 I'm the OP from the first thread, was a surprise when I logged back in and saw it at 36 pages lol. NO to changes! Frostchiji - Mistweaver Monk Reply With Quote « Previous Thread | Next Thread » Page...
Rising Sun Kick(Windwalker, Mistweaver) now deals 5% less damage. Tiger Palm(all-specializations) now deals 5% less damage. Chi Explosion(Talent) now deals 5% less damage for Windwalker Monks. Talents Serenitynow lasts 5 seconds for Brewmaster Monks (down from 10 seconds). ...
death knight,druid,monk,paladin,,shaman,demon hunterandwarrior. Monks, paladins and druids are able to fulfil any of the roles - dealing damage, tanking or healing - while shamans are good at dealing damage (caster or melee) or healing. Death knights, demon hunters and warriors are able to...
Time of Need healing reduced by 25% in PvP combat. Hunter Marksmanship Rapid Fire damage increased by 45% in PvP combat (was 30%). Aimed Shot damage increased by 55% in PvP combat (was 40%). Sniper Shot now deals 15% of the target’s health (was 20%). Monk Mistweaver Cloude...