This part of the guide is dedicated to levelling by smelting, this will level your Mining faster than if you go out and get all of the ore yourself, but it will cost you. This will require a supply of ore to smelt, generally from the auction house. As a general rule ore is more e...
Mining 401-450 Saronite / Rich SaroniteYou must be 425 to mine Rich Saraonite, you will find Titanium Veins along the way, but you must be 450 to mine Titanium. Sholazar Basin is a miner’s heaven due to its structure and it’s very easy to follow the zone guide for leveling. This...
Wrath Skinning Guide Rating: This Wrath of the Lich King Classic Skinning guide will show you the fastest and easiest way to level your Skinning skill from 1 to 450 in Wotlk! First we are going to discuss who would pick skinning as a primary profession and then we will talk about how ...
Herbalism Mining Skinning Secondary Fishing & Cooking Cooking Fishing First Aid Lockpicking Feedback You can send feedback about any guide on the site! Help me improve the website! It really helps a lot! (typos, errors, wrong material numbers)Zygor...
This Wotlk Jewelcrafting guide will show you the fastest and easiest way how to level your Jewelcrafting skill up from 1 to 450! Powerleveling Jewelcrafting is not cheap. Jewelcrafting is best combined with Mining to offset some of the cost, but it can also be paired with Enchanting to ge...
Mining 1 to 300 Guide (by Highlander on EU-Terenas) What you're going to need: Mining skill(obviously). Go see your local mining trainer to get trained. A mining pick.Can't mine without one (these can also be enchanted if you want, makes absolutely no difference, but it's cool to...
Mining 1 to 50 – Copper Horde Undead – Tirisfal Glades– The undead path for this mining leveling guide is fairly simple. You can pick a starting point anywhere on the line and just run the path mining along the way. If you are low level you may want to take into consideration areas...
1 to 375 Mining Guide 1 to 375 Leatherworking Guide 1-375 Herbalism Guide 1-375 Blacksmithing Guide 1-375 Lockpicking Guide Farming (GOLD) Guides WoW Gold Making 101 - Five Ways to Make Gold in WoW Pros reveal their secrets to making gold ...
Beyond this one pattern the rest of the guide is pretty much a running game for materials from your choice of sources and the trainers. Below is a full list of the materials you will need if you want to do this all in one sitting. — List of Materials — –Mining – * 145 Rough ...
head to a Jewelcrafting vendor to buy the supplies needed to level Jewelcrafting. And lastly, you’ll need copious amounts of bars, gems, and pearls. Since it would be best to opt for the Mining profession to gather as many nodes and pearls, having a Blacksmithing friend that can smelt...