Upon closer inspection, we observe that Restoration Shamans are just a step away from achieving meta statusHoly Paladin (S-Tier): PvP powerhouse, strong burst & survivability! Preservation Evoker (A-Tier): Reliable in PvP, good utility & sustain. Restoration Shaman (A-Tier): Formidable PvP ...
Another very important role of Restoration Shaman as any shaman in raid is right time to cast Bloodlust (Heroism) in most cases its when boss is down to 50% hp,but in particular situations like example Professor Putricide its when 3rd phase starts and etc, mostly wait for raid leader to a...
TBC Shaman guide - The Resto shaman is an integral part of any healing team. The shaman’s chain heal ability is one of the strongest ...
I am the GM of Risk which is on the Pagle server. We plan to raid just 2nights a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-11PM EST which seems to fit perfect with your raiding schedule! We are also looking for another resto shaman or two to fill our raid spots. I’ll reach out and ...
29 Shaman Twink 29 Warlock Twink 29 Warrior Twink 39 Bracket 39 Druid Twink 39 Hunter Twink 39 Mage Twink 39 Paladin Twink 39 Priest Holy Twink 39 Priest Shadow Twink 39 Rogue Twink 39 Shaman Elemental Twink 39 Shaman Resto Twink 39 Warlock Twink 39 Warrior Twink Reputation Guides Bloodsail...
Hello. I will be playing a Resto Shaman in Classic and am looking for a raiding guild. will also like to do Wpvp and bgs but main focus is raiding and dungeons. Raid times that are goods for me is starting at 7 CST and…
.pkgmeta BigDebuffs.lua BigDebuffs.toc BigDebuffs.xml BigDebuffs_Mainline.lua BigDebuffs_TBC.lua BigDebuffs_TBC.toc BigDebuffs_Vanilla.lua BigDebuffs_Vanilla.toc BigDebuffs_Wrath.lua BigDebuffs_Wrath.toc Options.lua README.md generate_changelog.sh Breadcrumbs bigdebuffs / BigDebuffs_...
how it’s possible that a Resto shaman get’s a 5% buff, and is already one of the top healers. They only need to use 1 button for damage, and do high damage, and still get damage buffs. You sir dont get RShaman. In M+ we cant cut it. And the Raid season is over by the ...
Shaman Tank guide. Shaman tanking, Rogue tank, Warlock tank and others are my forte. Being a Shaman Tank for 9 years, I decided to make a guide.
Restoration Shaman has some of the best cooldowns out of the healers with the fact that it has the ability to reset its totems. So you can healing stream and then you can stonewall totem, you can technically have an extra healing stream after those two healing...