Ve'nari: It is surprising what can you find lying around the Maw if you know where to look. Ve'nari: Apparently this one didn't meet the Jailer's exacting specifications. Ve'nari: No need to worry about his condition. He is content. And, you may leave here with him when our bargai...
Did we meet the same character? You are correct, Baine wasn't a deserter - he was something worse. He actively worked for the Alliance while still wearing a red tabard, until his willingness brought him to reveal himself as the double agent he's always been. Sadfang had at least the ...
Humans and high elves meet and become allies. -1,200 Arathor gets too populous, and internal strife causes it to break apart into seven independent nations: Lordaeron in the north; Azeroth in the south; Kul Tiras, an island, to the west; Stromgarde, north of Khaz Modan; Alterac, south...
But with your sunny desposition I am hardly shocked you never meet any of them... lol Why do you even bother trying to claim this? You realize we have eyes and we can see right? Scores of players my ass. Stop taking offense anytime someone has criticism of the game. Yes it gets...
It darkens the items in your bags that do not meet the entered search criteria, allowing the sought-for item to stand out brightly. Similar search bars exist at the bank and Void Storage. The backpack also provides a sorting feature, integrated with a dropdown menu selectable on each bag,...
release of the update. Perhaps this is for the best because the extra time will allow you to get better content, and warm up the interest of the players. So, meetSepulcher of the First Ones- the final raid of Shadowlands Expansion. This makes the final boss harder than the previous ones...
The two aspects eventually meet and discuss the plan. Nozdormu admitting that he once pondered on whether he should go back in time and save the dragonflights and Malygos. They debate on Alexstrasza's intentions but eventually agree that sometimes life must be taken in order to preserve it....
After the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel, the death knight Thassarian was sent to Stormwind City to meet King Varian with a letter of Tirion Fordring. As the representative of the Knights of the Ebon Blade, now freed of the Lich King's control, the population of the capital treated him...
While Turalyon deployed his forces against the Horde, Alleria Windrunner returned to Silvermoon City to meet with her kin. There, she notably brought the head of a freshly-slain forest troll warrior before the Convocation of Silvermoon, throwing the grisly trophy at King Anasterian's feet. Th...
In light of both the Cenarion Circle and Earthen Ring sensing something horrible within the spirit world, Malfurion and Tyrande agreed for Thrall to meet with them under the condition that the Earthen Ring Yukha was to be present and for Thrall to bring what was owed. ...