Talent Build On the way to 80 there is one Talent Build you should use, and that is theBeast Masterytree. This tree will focus on improving your pet, so that you can send it in and burn the mob down with ease, and it can put out solid dps in instances as well. Here is the bu...
UNHOLY_ASSAULT_TALENT: { id: 207289, name: 'Unholy Assault', icon: 'spell_shadow_unholyfrenzy' }, }; export default talents; 16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion 16 src/common/SPELLS/talents/demonhunter.ts Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -2,10 +2,18 @...
Number 7: Marksman Hunter (6257 DPS SIMMED) The highest DPS spec of all the Hunters the Marksman is a fun spec. Their ability to do their damage without the pet is great. This allows you to break away from the pet AI that causes a lot of trouble with the other hunter specs as well...
Priest: Removed Talent: Focused Power Hunter: Removed Talent: Master Marksman - No longer increases RAP Shaman: Updated Talent: Mental Quickness - Moved to 2,21 Paladin: Added Talent: Redoubt - Increases your block value by 10%/20%/30% Death Knight BaseDodge changed from 0.758% to 3....
Marksmanship: Improves the hunters own marksman abilities to become a master bowman and unleash death from afar with the devastating Aimed Shot ability. Survival: Focuses on improvements to the hunter’s traps, melee attacks, and crowd control in general. Even teaches the hunter to put enemies to...
The orc marksman Shokia unknowingly guarding Prince Anduin in the Jade Forest.A few months before the discovery of Pandaria, Anduin had a brass compass made for Varian's birthday.[47] While on a diplomatic mission, Anduin's royal flagship, The Vanguard, was engaged by the Horde's southern...
Marksmanship Hunter Marksmanship is a pretty crazy good PvP spec in WoW Dragonflight 10.2 that has a high burst. He is super hard to deal with if you don't have a disarm or a consistent stun. Marksman is the answer right now to Arcane Mage. If you're ...
In this particular case it is possible that the developers would want to change a talent (ie: Lightning Reflexes) to mesh better with the itemization. Q u o t e:2. Talents Currently, both the Marksman tree and the Beast Mastery tree seem to be very viable. Survival seems to be ...
[52]Commander Gor’Shak (Elite), given byGalamav the MarksmaninKargath, Badlands(he is on top of the Guard Tower). If you don’t get this quest, then try doingDisharmony of Flameto unlock it. After you complete the Commander Gor’Shak script sucessfully (Commander survives), go talk to...