A few years ago, I came acrossMapWoW, an excellent use of the Google Maps API to show the World of Warcraft map. The map is made of of the WoW minimap images, stitched together to visualize the world. This gives much better resolution than the in-game main map and is really interesti...
TomTomis a navigation addon which allows you to set waypoints on your map with /way CoordX CoordY (replace with the numbers of the coordinates you want to go to). An arrow will then point towards that waypoint, making it easy to reach a set of coordinates, such as the ones we use o...
Zone names - Can get names from continent map coordinates; continent IDs are not localized. You may also be able to recognize system messages without requiring explicit localization of your string patterns by deriving the patterns from the format strings found in FrameXML/GlobalStrings.lua. This i...
Moonfireon the three white Lunar Stones nearby and a chest will appear with the SunfireRune inside. For Night Elves, it is found around the 52,79 map coordinates in Teldrassil. The conditions to obtain are the same as Tauren; use Moonfireon the three white Lunar Stones nearby and loot th...
The way in which the image coordinates map to Texture frame coordinates, and then onto Screen Coordinates (or vice versa) is through a series of Affine Transformations. These are transformations which preserve linearity (points which lay on a line before the transformation, continue to lay on a...
Requirements: Meet Bargus at coordinates 43.4, and 28.6 on Siren Isle Rewards: Approximately 11 gold Cave Barging Goal: Find the source of the energy signature Requirements: Clear the collapsed tunnel and locate Bargus Rewards: Approximately 23 gold Buried Secrets Goal: Investigate the ruins and ...
TomTom is an addon in World of Warcraft, which can help you to take the default user interface to the next level. With the help of this addon, you will be able to make use of the map coordinates in a more useful manner. When you are playing the game, you will be able to set yo...
Coordinates by Szandos, TomCat. Shows coordinates on the minimap as well as on the bottom of the world map. CopyThat! by sylvanaar. Bind a key, and copy text from whatever your mouse is hovering over. CPR by CruizeT. Play a sounds file and displays a message on screen (once a minu...
Shows the coordinates of you and any targeted party or raid member, and your cursor position on the world map. Alt+Click to drag. Lockout by dobbz. Quickly view instance data by typing /lockout Loot Master +1 Counter System by Adabard. Assists loot masters with counting for the +1 ...
go xyz 1 Syntax: .go xyz #x #y [#z [#mapid [#orientation]]] Teleport player to point with (#x,#y,#z) coordinates at map #mapid with orientation #orientation. If z is not provided, ground/water level will be used. If mapid is not provided, the current map will be used. If...