TomTom is an addon in World of Warcraft, which can help you to take the default user interface to the next level. With the help of this addon, you will be able to make use of the map coordinates in a more useful manner. When you are playing the game, you will be able to set yo...
Version: 0.43 by:Jim-Bim[More] Hello MapCoords User! Description: This is an AddOn that shows the cursor & player coordinates on the worldmap. As of 0.3 it also shows coords below your and your party members portrait. And since 0.16 it can also show coords below your minimap (optional)...
MapCoords— This small and quite simple add-on will display map coordinates at the top of the minimap. Coordinates by TomCat’s Tours— This add-on is similar to the previous one, but it shows the coordinates on both minimap and World map. The coordinates of a cursor on the World map ...
Shows coordinates on the minimap as well as on the bottom of the world map. CopyThat! by sylvanaar. Bind a key, and copy text from whatever your mouse is hovering over. CPR by CruizeT. Play a sounds file and displays a message on screen (once a minute) when your MH/OH poisons hav...
Now when you target a waypoint is added to the map and the link sent to chat. This allows players to click and a waypoint is added to their map, so no more trying to hunt using coordinates. Maps that cannot have waypoints, such as garrisons, will print a cannot add waypoints message....
Shows the coordinates of you and any targeted party or raid member, and your cursor position on the world map. Alt+Click to drag. Lockout by dobbz. Quickly view instance data by typing /lockout Loot Master +1 Counter System by Adabard. Assists loot masters with counting for the +1 ...
were to decide that doing what AVRE did in 2D, or what HudMap semes to be aiming at, isn't allowed and someone makes such a mod then they might make map coordinates unavailable for addons. This would then break a few other things like accurate range checks and arrows pointing to ...
Handy Notes for your maps. This addon is intended to be a small and simple framework for showing notes on your map. Use /handynotes to access options. You can add notes to the maps in 3 ways: Last night I was using the open settings panel under the Handynotes Icon on the map. ...
Zone names - Can get names from continent map coordinates; continent IDs are not localized. You may also be able to recognize system messages without requiring explicit localization of your string patterns by deriving the patterns from the format strings found in FrameXML/GlobalStrings.lua. This ...
Videoabout configuring this addon. Usage Using GatherMate2 is straight-forward. After the installation, GatherMate2 is automatically active and collecting data. You can configure which data should be shown on the World Map or MiniMap in the Configuration Dialog, which can be accessed either via ...