/macro(/m) 常用宏及说明 施放法术与物品使用 命令说明举例 /cast施放法术/cast 变形术 /p 我羊了%t!谁打谁扛着哈! /aftercast在某技能后执行一条宏命令/aftercast /p 请队友点门,把懒猪%t揪过来! /cast 召唤仪式 /use使用物品或饰品/use 绿色机械陆行鸟 ...
Use:This macro uses Items from a fixed Bag slot so you can easily exchange the food (B1 Slot 20)/water (B1 Slot 16) you want to be consumed. Default: this macro will use the item in slot 20 and 16 of the first bag (to the left of the bavkpack which is zero) so you immediat...
/stopcasting /cast Intimidation Renataki's Charm Macro ZG饰品+奥射,多重循环,饰品冷却时3s后自动攻击 /castsequence reset=3 Arcane Shot, Multi-Shot, Renataki's Charm of Beasts ·This macro will cycle through Arcane Shot, then Multi-Shot, and then use the trinket. If the trinket is on coold...
/script UseContainerItem(X,Y) /script TargetLastEnemy() 同样,这个宏会切换当前目标,中断攻击,盗贼的连击点也会被清空。 -选择一个队员然后使用宏,自动选择该队员的目标,对目标放mark,pet攻击目标,然后开始autoshot。 /script if (UnitIsFriend("player","target")) then AssistUnit("target"); end /cast...
How to use an item with a macro This brief Wow macro guide will teach you how to use items in a macro like potions, trinkets, belt tinkers and more. Adding macros to your dps, tank or healing rotation makes you a better player and more handsome than the next guy. Get creative! If ...
Not a problem. We?ll use the new "reset" setting. Since Frost Nova has a cooldown of 24 seconds normally, we?ll set the sequence to reset after 24 seconds of non-use. /castsequence reset=24 Frost Nova, Blink The first time you click your macro, it will Frost Nova. If you decide...
/equip <item> /equipslot <slot id> <item> ADVANCED PET MACROS:宝宝进阶宏 Toggle Pet Attack宝宝攻击 /petattack /petpassive [target=pettarget,exists] ·If you wish to keep your pet's stance, use /petfollow instead of /petpassive.如果想保持宝宝姿态,用 /petfollow 代替 /petpassiveRevive, Call,...
/use [target=self] Heavy Netherweave Bandages This macro will always use Heavy Netherweave Bandages on yourself, regardless of target. 一些宏的例子: 通用宏: --- /use [target=self] 厚虚空布绷带 无论当前目标是什么,这个宏只会对自己使用厚虚空布绷带。 Warrior Macros: --- Intercept/Charge:...