/script if UnitExists("pet") then AssistUnit("pet"); end; if (not UnitExists("target")) then TargetNearestEnemy();end/script if (not UnitExists("target")) then TargetLastEnemy() end宏1:拉怪功能:组队拉怪放标记,显示选中目标的名字等信息。注意:先要选中一个敌人建议:与宏0结合使用,方便无比...
1:将“TAB”的最远距离改为50码 (最大是50) /console SET targetNearestDistance “50” 2:用TAB选择身后的目标最远设为50码 (默认是10码) /console SET tar。
/console SET targetNearestDistanceRadius "50" 改TAB身后距离0-50码,默认是10码 敌方血条显示命令 /脚本 SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemyGuardians",0) 守护者 /脚本 SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemyMinions",0) 仆从 /脚本 SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemyPets",0) 宠物 /脚本 SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemyTotems",0) 图腾 ...
The macro needs to target the NPC, and if necessary open up the repair or vendor page. The bot will click the key and the npc will be targetted. Then it will click the interact button which will cause the bot to move to the NPC and open the NPC options, this may be enough to ...
·With one button press, this will target a nearby enemy if one isn't already selected, send your pet on it, cast Hunter's Mark, and then turn on auto attack / auto shot. Smart Ammo 稳固射击时换低级箭#show Steady Shot /equip Sharp Arrow /cast Steady Shot /equip Wicked Arrow ·Use...
发送消息 1.1 SendChatMessage("message","system","language","channel") 作用:发送一条聊天消息 参数: "message":要发送的消息 "system": 分享66赞 ff14吧 悲伤☞温哥华 求问一个宏的问题,怎么自动选中目标后就锁定,不打死怪就不换/micon 毁灭 /tenemy /lockon /ac 毁灭 自己写的这个宏就不行,虽然加...
360问答 鼠标指向打断宏 #showtooltip /stopcasting /cast [@mouseover,exists][@target,exists]法术反制 360问答急求WOW中视野距离调整的命令? 将“TAB”的最远距离改为50码(最大是50)/consoleSETtargetNearestDistance"50"用TAB选择身后的目标最远设为50码(默认是10码)/consoleSETtargetNearestDistanceR... leuze...
/script TargetUnit(GetPartyMember(3)) CastSpellByName(Heal(Rank X)) TargetLastEnemy() 15。一键解决喂养宠物:这个宏会从最左边的袋子里的第一个位置拿出食物喂养宠物,如果所在的位置 没有食物,它会自动打开袋子。 /script if (not PlayerFrame.inCombat) then if (not GetContainerItemLink(4, 1)) ...
With one button press, this will target a nearby enemy if one isn't already selected, send your pet on it, cast Hunter's Mark, and then turn on auto attack / auto shot. Smart Ammo稳固射击时换低级箭 #show Steady Shot /equip Sharp Arrow ...