Note: Since the macro is executed all at once, the /p command will be issued when you start the cast, and will not care either way whether you have a valid target or whether Polymorph is on cooldown. This also means you can put the two commands in either order and it will have ...
常用的宏命令:1、技能命令 /cast释放一个或多个技能,可以加入一些条件判断,是最常用的命令。/castsequence依次释放释放数个技能,同样可以加入一些条件判断,常见于所谓的"无脑宏"。/use使用一个物品,可以直接用物品名称也可以用物品栏位置。2、动作命令 /cancelform取消变形 /cancelaura取消状态或...
/equip 无边黑暗之盾 /cast [nostance:2] 防御姿态; [help] 援护; [target=targettarget, help] 援护 /startattack [target=harm]换盾切防御,然后援护焦点目标(当前目标是敌对目标时)或者当前目标。2下 showtooltip 法术反射 /StopAttack /cancelaura 利刃风暴 /stopcasting /equip [noequipped: 单...
GetMacroIndexByName("name") - Returns macro index. GetMacroInfo(index) - Returns "name", iconTextureID, "body", local. GetNumMacroIcons() - Returns the number of usable icons provided by Blizzard. GetNumMacros() - Returns the number of macros the user has. PickupMacro(index) - Pickup...
CreateMacro Creates a new macro CreateNewRaidProfile This function is not yet documented CursorCanGoInSlot Returns whether the item on the cursor can be equipped in an inventory slot CursorHasItem Returns whether an item belonging to the player is on the cursor CursorHasMacro Returns whether a ...
#showtooltip 冰冷触摸 /console Sound_EnableSFX 0 /castsequence reset=6/target/combat 冰冷触摸,暗影打击,鲜血打击,鲜血打击,天灾打击,天灾打击,鲜血打击,鲜血打击,天灾打击 /cast !符文打击 /console Sound_EnableSFX 1 /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/run for i = 1, 32 do local spell = UnitBuff("target", i) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(spell) end then this function within your macro to see if it's on - /run function hasBuff(unit, texture) for i = 1,32 do local tn=UnitBuff(unit, i) if texture==tn then return true en...
I’ll update my post and add this as an alternative travel form macro soon. 0 Reply Rinkusan 5 years ago If I may add two of mine #showtooltip /cancelform [noform] /cast [noform] Cat Form /cast Dash #showtooltip /cleartarget /tar <Insert Target> Clear any targets and target ...
wow萨满宏制作(Shaman wow macro production)I am now the treatment of macros, and the same is the brother of SM share./cast [exist, help] [target=targettarget, harm] skills; skills [target=player] skills;The target is friendly, direct treatment; target for enemy, is the treatment target,...