In WoW 2.0, macros and addons will drastically change. Recently, Slouken announced an exciting new addition to the functionality of macros in WoW 2.0, a set of conditional options for the /cast, /use, /target, /focus, /assist, /stopmacro, /cancelaura, /userandom, /castrandom, and /casts...
/assist援助目标不加任何其他参数时效果是选择你目标的目标 /cleartarget清除目标- /targetlasttarget选择上一个目标- /targetlastfriend选择上一个友方目标- /targetlastenemy选择上一个敌对目标- /targetfriend选择友方目标此命令与下面一条命令是按一定顺序循环选择指定类型的目标的,和使用Tab键的效果类似 ...
在WoW 2.0中,宏和插件将会有翻天覆地的改变。最近,Slouken(Blizzard UI开发者)宣布了一个令人激动的宏的新特性,一系列条件选项将可以被应用于以下斜杠命令:/cast,/use,/target,/focus,/assist,/stopmacro,/cancelaura,/userandom,/castrandom,以及/castsequence。这个帖子的目的就在于讲解如何应用它们。 注:虽然多数...
This macro can be used as a template for almost any spell. This macro has been made so that it won't override a helpful assist focus. This macro supports either direct targeting, or mouseover. Mouseover has priority. If you already have a focus, you must press Ctrl in order to focus...
1.直接动作指令:也就是编写后可直接执行某一动作的动作指令,可追加条件指令,但后面不用再接法术名称或物品名称。此类指令很简单,包括:/startattack 开始攻击/stopattack 停止攻击/stopcasting 停止施放/stopmacro 停止喊话/assist 协助/focus 设置焦点目标/clearfocus 清除焦点目标/cleartarget 清除目标/petattack 宠物攻击/...
[nomod:alt,mod:lshift,mod:lctrl] * '''{ASSISTHOTCHARACTER}''' will be replaced with /assist {FTL} or /assist focus, depending on whether FTL is enabled for the Mapped Key * '''{TARGETHOTCHARACTER}''' will be replaced with /targetexact {FTL} or /target focus, depending on whether ...
{ASSISTHOTCHARACTER}will be replaced with /assist {FTL} or /assist focus, depending on whether FTL is enabled for the Mapped Key {TARGETHOTCHARACTER}will be replaced with /targetexact {FTL} or /target focus, depending on whether FTL is enabled for the Mapped Key ...
2./Assist 这是个援助进攻的命令 3.%t 这个符号也许会经常出现在你的宏命令里,它是一个代码,代表你当前所选中的人名。4./Target 这是一个自动选择目标的命令 5.允许你在窗口和全屏状态之间切换 /script SetCVar("gxWindow", 1 - GetCVar("gxWindow"));/console gxRestart 6.从背包和袋子里...
按ESC选择“宏命令设置”选项(或在聊天框内输入/macro(/m)打开面板。在最上方可选择宏的作用对象,“通用宏”作用于你的所有角色,“专用宏”仅作用于当前角色。 往下是一共18格的栏位用来放置设定好的宏(点击可修改已存在的宏)。最后在面板底部分别是三个按钮:删除,新建,退出。 例:按照上面的方法建立一个跳舞...