Looking for a guild for classic. Prefer on a PVP realm, horde or alliance doesn’t matter as i play both regularly. My plan is to rush 60, and would like to find some people to level with and then farm pre raid gear. look…
Hi Everyone i am returning player to WoW looking for a guild to call my home, i’m more along the lines of a family type guild. looking for fun helpful friendly people. that’s active both in game and socially. i would also like the option to raid at a later date i don’t mind...
Hey there, I'm Victor, 23, a young adult, working and studying, who has been playing on and off gw2 for quite a few years already. The last break that I had was quite long, I believe around 3 years when I did not play gw2 at all, but now, since world of
1 PostedJuly 14, 2023 Hey I have retired from WoW after 15 years. I have never played GW2. I am a guy seeking an LGBTQIA+ friendly/focused guild. I am a HS teacher who has summers frees but only weekends free when school is in session. So I need something not too hardcore...yet...
Guild - 公会。 H HP - Hit points/Health,伤害点数或生命值。 Haste - 加速魔法. HoT – Heal over time,持续加血。 I Incoming (INC) - 意味着即将出现一次攻击。 Instancing - 副本。在《魔兽世界》中有一类地下城,当你和你所在的队伍进入它的时候,你们会被载入到一个属于你们的这个地城的副本,只有你...
WoW Lemmings is the definitive World of Warcraft guild recruitment tool. It aggregates player information from all known WoW fan sites and recruitment forums, and delivers it through a fast, filterable interface. Subscribe to your own personalized RSS fe
Search for jobs related to Wow guild website web or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 24m+ jobs. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs.
FFA - Free For All,对所有人开放或者全部免费。Fizzle - 没有施放出来或者被打断的魔法。FPS - Frames Per Second,或者First Person Shooter。GGM - Game Master,游戏管理员。Guild - 公会。HHP - Hit points/Health,伤害点数或生命值。Haste - 加速魔法。HoT – Heal over time,持续加血。I...
"GUILD":工会 "PARTY":小队 "RAID":组团 "YELL":大喊 "language":使用的语言,若无参数"channel"时可省略。 在CWOW中可使用”通用语”、”兽人语”等。亦可指定WOW中使用的其它语言,准确的语言名可使用函数GetDefaultLanguage(“unit”)获得。 参数"language"指定的语言仅对发送者生效,接受者将以其默认语言...
Guild:公会,别的网游里也叫行会。 HOT: 持续性治疗。 HP:生命值。 INT:Intelligence,智力。 LOOT:从被杀死的怪物或宝箱里拿取财物,Boss战后的分赃。 LVL:级别。 MP:魔法值。 MT:主坦克,首领战中最优先扛Boss的战士。 Nerf:消弱。 Newbie:菜鸟,有时用来形容新玩家的一个术语,但也用于指代那些技术不太好的...