Wolf Rider's Boots 39 Feet Rare Drop (0.05%) Charged Gear 39 Finger GnomereganMekgineer Thermaplugg (31.62%) Rune of Duty 39 Trinket Nordic Longshank 39 One-Hand UldamanBaelog (9.22%) Speedsteel Rapier 39 One-Hand Rare Drop (0.03%) Headstriker Sword 39 Two-Hand Rare Drop (0.1%) Sh...
Aeternae <Lone Wolf Country Club> 133 posts 60 Tauren Shaman 0 Oct 2024 I d rather have the alliance get shamans at this point and horde paladins. Human ret pallies are … not a demo group I d choose to pvp with Drcow <Inept> 325 posts 80 Tauren Druid 22475 Dunning Oct 2024 Fe...
By the way, if you are experiencing slow progress in the game due to a shortage of gold during your exploration of the new stage, you can try participating in Giveaway channel in IGGM Discord, which will provide you with some gold giveaways. I wish you a happy exploration! WOW Classic...
You should become adept at utilizing Cloudburst Totem judiciously and effectively communicating with your group through Discord to encourage them to stack closely. Numerous other intricacies demand your attention as well. Your rotation is inherently tied to cooldowns, specific situations, and the type of...
Open your GDKP discord, guild chat, or raid chat. Type out “Buying gold is cheating.” and hit enter. Kick anyone who gets mad. Have fun with your (mostly) RMT free GDKP 1 Like Swut-lone-wolf February 28, 2024, 5:56pm 102 Alsharptusk: Real question is if they can do that...
Yeah, nah, that promotes discord coordinated win trading. Theres already been multiple discords on Whitemane and Faerlina over the years that were used to wintrade in such a way thatd perfectly take advantage of that setup. team thats intended to lose rushes 3 nodes, autoattacks until dead ...
Yeah, nah, that promotes discord coordinated win trading. Theres already been multiple discords on Whitemane and Faerlina over the years that were used to wintrade in such a way thatd perfectly take advantage of that setup. team thats intended to lose rushes 3 nodes, autoattacks until dead ...