GetSelectedArtifactInfo() IsArtifactCompletionHistoryAvailable() - Returns 1 if the player has completed at least one artifact, otherwise nil; ItemAddedToArtifact(index) - Returns true if an item is in the indicated artifact slot, otherwise false. RemoveItemFromArtifact(SlotID) RequestArtifactCompleti...
Tyrande Whisperwind is the high priestess of Elune, and with her recent marriage, she is no longer sole ruler of the night elves. She grew up in the ancient city of Suramar, far from the first Well of Eternity, not far from the brothers Malfurion and Illidan Stormrage. Tyrande’s idylli...
Legion was the least alt friendly expan they ever had with complete RnG legendary’s, time gated campaigns, time gated artifact research, Ap grinding for every single spec, relic farming for every single Spec, most of this took half the expan to patch out it was a complete shit sho...
As the Ashbringer derived its power from a shadowy artifact that had been purified in the Light and affixed to the blade, the zealots sought to do the same for its staff. The order sent its most loyal crusaders into the war-torn Plaguelands in search of a suitable relic, and the few ...
To this end he had the Bilgewater Cartel excavate the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in search of a mysterious artifact. What they found was the still-beating heart of the deceased Old God Y'Shaarj itself; the true source of the Sha. Garrosh's lieutenant Malkorok claimed this terrifying relic ...
; class hall after finishing first artifact ; Hall of Command@BrokenShore is the bottom floor, with flight master ; The Heart of Acherus@BrokenShore is the top floor A Keeping Your Edge|QID|39757|M|49.76,55.96|N|From Illanna Dreadmoore.| ...
The eredar consumed all life around them and set out to find more places of mystical power. Until now, only the titans have ever challenged them. Each of the leaders, Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, built a hierarchy of demons, jealously protected from the will of the other. These groups strove...
Tyr was a titan-forged keeper and the mightiest of the watchers.[3] He once resided at the Temple of Order, in Ulduar.[4] Tyr died fighting against Keeper Loken's minions, after his betrayal was made known to both Tyr and Archaedas. He wa
["valueChangedFunc"] = UpdateColorID, ["colorID"] = "rewardRelic", ["getValueFunc"] = GetColorByID }, {["template"] = "WQT_SettingColorTemplate", ["categoryID"] = "COLORS_REWARD_RING", ["label"] = ANIMA, ["defaultColor"] = _V["WQT_COLOR_ARTIFACT"], {["template"] = ...
[71] In his crusade to wipe out all life on Azeroth, Deathwing sought to activate the Forge of Origination in Uldum,[72] which required a powerful artifact known as the Coffer of Promise. He has enlisted Commander Schnottz's expedition to find the coffer and sent black dragon emissaries,...