英文名:"Let the Fires Come!" 复制 中文代码 英文代码 戴面具的孤儿院长希望你在无头骑士发动攻击时帮忙扑灭村子里的所有火焰。完成任务后与戴面具的孤儿院长谈一谈。 扑灭火焰相关地点此任务开始于杜隆塔尔、提瑞斯法林地和永歌森林,结束于永歌森林。
英文名:"Let the Fires Come!" 复制 中文代码 英文代码 穿戏服的孤儿院长希望你在无头骑士发动攻击时帮忙扑灭村子里的所有火焰。完成任务后与穿戏服的孤儿院长谈一谈。 扑灭火焰相关地点此任务完整发生于秘蓝岛.建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:点击地图缩放 建议:...
Avoid the fires that fill the room, looking to the sides to see where they are coming from. The trick during the encounter is all in the positioning. If the group can avoid the flames in a nice stack behind the boss while the tank sits in the corner you should find success. Strategy...
Dailies: [10-70 Daily] "Let the Fires Come!" -or- [1-70 Daily] Stop the Fires! - put out the fires with the help of players in the area [10-70 Daily] Smash the Pumpkin - defeat the Shade of the Horseman and smash the pumpkin object on the groundAttacking...
Sylvanas approaches the World Tree. Warbringers: Sylvanas Sylvanas stares down at a wounded Delaryn Summermoon. Sylvanas orders Nathanos a second time to burn the tree. The Dark Lady from the fires of Darkshore. Sylvanas watches the tree burn. The world tree burning....
Side tangent but Saurfang is the one who deserted, Baine stuck it out and wound up arrested. If anything he was mostly criticized for not deserting sooner, but I know these characters are all in lose/lose situations with most of you anyway so let's not sidetrack it. Except that I laugh...
Yes Champion? It is the fires within, that burn the brightest. All life is to be treasured. Life begets life, and the cycle of life is reborn anew.Pissed Surely you were not brought into this world solely to bother me.Twilight Highlands...
Added Ivy as a reward for Don’t Let the Doe Hit You On the Way Out. Classes Hunter Beast Mastery Beast Cleave and Kill Cleave now log correctly when the Hunter is buffed by an Augmentation Evoker. Creatures and NPCs Fixed issue causing rare elites in The Forbidden Reach, Zaralek Cave...
Shortly thereafter, at the defender's camp, a lonely and bitter Shandris was found by Tyrande Whisperwind, priestess of Elune. Tyrande became fond of the young girl, and couldn't bear to simply let her remain among the survivors alone, and so she accompanied the priestess. Shandris soon ...
capture had hit Cairne hard, wearing it as a weight wrapped around his neck as it choked the life out of his eyes. He then admitted that as soon he heard of Bovan's death, he knew that Baine's heart was dying too, and arrived to help ensure that Baine didn't let it weigh him ...