2.x autojoinPartyVoice 0 Sound Account Automatically join the voice session in party/raid chat 3.x autoLootDefault 0 Game Character Automatically loot items when the loot window opens 6.0.2 autoLootRate 150 Game Character Rate in milliseconds to tick auto loot 9.0.1 AutoPushSpellToAction...
These are tough raid-level bosses. They will spend some time on the Field of Strife killing whatever they see, and will then start to move towards the enemy base. These bosses are, unfortunately, plagued by evade bugs and are fairly simple to train into areas where they can easily be ...
Magtheridon's Lair is the raid wing of the Hellfire Citadel dungeon in Outland where you fight the brutish pit lord Magtheridon himself. You can find the entrance to Magtheridon's Lair on the very bottom of the western side of the Citadel (opposite side
Current Collapse Subzonesof theExodar The Crystal Hall Seat of the Naaru The Exobar Trader's Tier The Vault of Lights Undisplayed locations—Exodar's shops and services Exodar category Community content is available underCC BY-SA 3.0unless otherwise noted....
F Shackle’s Den|QID|45833|M|69.86,51.32|Z|Dalaran@Dalaran70|N|At Aladune Whitecloud.|ACTIVE|45833|FLY|LEGION| t The Pirate’s Bay|QID|45833|M|57.66,63.47|Z|Azsuna|N|To Princess Tess Graymane, who can be found along the road to the Temple of a Thousand Lights.| ...
Upon entering Frostwall he will inform the the Commander of various threats to the Draenor campaign and will direct them to deal with dungeon and raid bosses. LegionSaurfang in Grommash Hold.This section concerns content related to Legion.
Raid-wide buffs (such as [Power Word: Fortitude], [Blessing of Kings] or [Arcane Brilliance]) are an important part of battleground play. Through them, the players of each team lend numerous benefits to each other. If you notice (especially during non-critical play) that a nearby ally la...
Current Collapse Subzonesof theExodar The Crystal Hall Seat of the Naaru The Exobar Trader's Tier The Vault of Lights Undisplayed locations—Exodar's shops and services Exodar category Community content is available underCC BY-SA 3.0unless otherwise noted....
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