Realizing his seemingly imminent victory could be threatened by these few elves, Sargeras commanded that his Legion make war upon Azeroth and destroy the unworthy, which included the entirety of the kaldorei race.[4] As war raged across the young world, many protectors of the world emerged to...
Help request - Issue trying to start Legion class hall campaign Replies:15 Views: 14,678 ryan1mcq 2024-01-16,08:21 AM Poll:How long should an expansion last?«12» Replies:20 Views: 2,641 Zantera 2024-01-15,10:35 AM Dailies in WoD«12» ...
R Krasus’ Landing|QID|45833|M|65.18,42.73|Z|Dalaran@Dalaran70|N|Run to Krasus’ Landing to take a flight (or travel to Black Rook Hold any other way)|ACTIVE|45833|FLY|LEGION| F Shackle’s Den|QID|45833|M|69.86,51.32|Z|Dalaran@Dalaran70|N|At Aladune Whitecloud.|ACTIVE|45833|FLY|LEG...
1621 BlackTemple-Legion Black Temple - Legion Scenario 6.x / 7.0.3 1622 IllidanTemp Telogrus Rift Scenario Scenario 6.x / 7.0.3 1623 MageCampaign-TheOculus Mage Campaign - The Oculus Scenario 6.x / 7.0.3 1624 BattleofExodar Battle of Exodar Scenario 6.x / 7.0.3 1625 Trialofthe...
1.5 Legion Paladin campaign 1.5.1 Class Order campaign 1.5.2 Champions of Legionfall 1.5.3 Class Mount 1.6 Shadowlands 2 Classic quests 2.1 Level 12 The Tome of Divinity/Redemption (Redemption spell) 2.2 Level 12 The First Trial (Redemption spell) 2.3 Level 20 The Tome of Valor (Sense ...
During the first Scourge Invasion, the city was attacked by the Scourge. Prior to the start of the invasion of Outland, the gates of Orgrimmar were invaded by a group of Burning Legion demons led by Highlord Kruul.[5] Wrath of the Lich KingThis...
All Legion Legendary items' bonuses no longer activate. Leatherworking drums now provide 15% Haste (was 25%). War-Scrolls of Battle Shout, Intellect and Fortitude can no longer be used by characters above level 50. Many consumables now have a 5 minute cooldown. Water now regenerates mana ...
First invasion of Azeroth Invasion of Draenor Second invasion of Azeroth First War Third War Attempted Azeroth invasions Invasion of Outland Battle for Quel'Danas Battle for the Undercity Third invasion of Azeroth Argus Campaign Darkstorm Burning Legion category...
LegionThis section concerns content related to Legion.Vanessa in the Hall of Shadows.Vanessa had easily faked her death in the Deadmines because her opponents' minds had been affected by her neurotoxin. After an adventurer is made one of the leaders of The Uncrowned in the Hall of Shadows ...
In order to defeat the Burning Legion, Liadrin pledged her order's support to the new Highlord of the Order of the Silver Hand. Subsequently, many Blood Knights joined the reformed Silver Hand. During the Assault on Light's Hope Chapel by the Knights of the Ebon Blade, who came to ...